Can dogs eat cashews? How often can?


Can dogs eat cashews? After dinner and when we bit a few cashews, of course we have at least one fan eagerly hoping to grab a bite. For us, nuts are very healthy because they are rich in nutrients, healthy fats and protein. Let’s go to deep into our article for answers..

Cashews are safe for dogs in small quantities. With their high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids and important vitamins and minerals, the nut-like fruits are very healthy for dogs. However, the fruit is not suitable for allergic animals.

Can dogs eat cashew nuts?

Can dogs eat cashews
Can dogs eat cashew nuts

Yes, dogs can eat cashews but don’t give too much. Cashews are also very healthy for dogs – the nuts not only provide us humans with many important nutrients.

  • Cashews contain omega-3 fatty acids, fat, phosphorus and fiber.
  • The phosphorus in cashew nuts is healthy for teeth and bones, but too much phosphorus in dog food damages the dog’s kidneys.
  • Therefore, feed the cashew nuts in small portions and not too often.
  • Only give your dog natural cashews. Salted or sweetened, as in human snacks, harm the dog.
  • In addition to cashews, your dog can also eat hazelnuts, walnuts, Brazil nuts, pecans and almonds.
  • After eating the nuts for the first time, pay attention to how your dog is doing. It is possible that your four-legged friend does not get the nuts and that a rash forms or that your dog suddenly suffers from various other complaints.
  • In this case you should of course refrain from feeding cashews. A visit to the vet can also provide information about whether your dog may have an allergy to the nuts.

How often can dogs eat cashew nuts?

It is important that your pet does not get the food too often. Give your dog a few cashews about two to three times a week. If you have a small dog that is no more than 30 centimeters high, you should only feed one core at a time. Breeds that are more than 30 centimeters high at the withers can tolerate two to four cashews per feeding.

Can dogs eat cashew butter?

Dogs can eat Cashew Butter, but most varieties you can find in the store have extra ingredients such as added and / or excessive salt, sugar or fats to avoid. Is cashew butter safe for dogs? Yes, but if you do it, more healthy forĀ  them. You can combine 1 cup of unsalted cashews with a pinch of honey in a food processor and whisk until smooth, to make cashew butter safe for your own dog. But even here you have to be restrained while serving.

Overall, treats should typically not make up more than 10% of your dog’s daily caloric intake. Since cashews are high in calories (almost 10 calories per nut), less is definitely more. This doubles up if your dog is overweight or not very active. And if your dog has any pre-existing stomach problems or food allergies, you’d better stick to dog-friendly foods that aren’t quite as rich.

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