Can dogs eat asparagus? Cooked or Row?


Green and white asparagus are healthy for people. Because these contain K, B, C, A and E vitamins. But can dogs eat asparagus? White and green asparagus are harmless to dogs, but have a diuretic effect. This is explained further below.

Dogs not only like white asparagus, they also tolerate it very well. Of course there are also dogs who, like humans, do not like asparagus. However, this vegetable can be offered in any case. As for the amount, the size of the dog must always be considered. For a large dog, a few bars can be given or mixed into the food. For small dogs, a few pieces of the white asparagus are usually enough.

Can dogs eat Cooked asparagus?

As with humans, the dog should have the asparagus cooked. Because this is how it tastes best and the dog is more likely to accept the asparagus.

Can dogs eat Raw asparagus?

If you want to feed your dog raw asparagus, you should only do so in small quantities and rely primarily on the green asparagus. White asparagus, on the other hand, should only be fed cooked.

Asparagus for dogs in brief

  • The vegetable asparagus is non-toxic for the fur nose.
  • Consuming the vegetables leads to more frequent urination.
  • Some best friends have an intolerance to asparagus.
  • If you give your companion raw vegetables, you have to portion them to prevent swallowing.

Dog asparagus – toxic to animals?

Asparagus is definitely not poisonous to dogs. However, keepers should keep in mind that asparagus is diuretic. Therefore, only small amounts should be fed and if more is given, an additional walk should be planned immediately so that the dog can urinate.

White or green asparagus for dogs?

As already mentioned, there are white and green asparagus. You can use either variant if you want to give your dog asparagus.

  1. Both the white and the green asparagus are very digestible for the dog. The processing and feeding are slightly different:
  2. Dogs can feed green asparagus raw or cooked. They don’t have to peel green asparagus.
  3. You always have to peel white asparagus and then cook it.
  4. When feeding your dog asparagus, cut the stalks into pieces. Sometimes the vegetables are very fibrous after cooking. This can cause problems for the dog to swallow.
  5. If your dog has also eaten the asparagus peels, that’s no tragedy. However, it can happen that this manifests itself as slight digestive problems.

Our previous article What can dogs not eat? What vegetables, fruits, foods? We recommend that you read our article titled.


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