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Siberian Husky health problems and care


Before you own the Siberian husky, you should learn all about health problems. Don’t forget to go deep into our article for answers to questions like how to care for Husky, how to train.

Husky health and health problems

The Siberian Husky is a very active and robust dog. He needs a lot of exercise and accordingly uses a lot of energy; you should pay attention to this in the health and nutrition of the four-legged friend. Read here what else you can do to make your husky feel good.

The husky doesn’t mind wind and weather. Its thick fur provides excellent protection from the cold in winter and in summer after changing fur, even higher temperatures no longer matter to it than other dog breeds. To keep it that way, it is advisable to observe the following tips on the nutrition and health of these special dogs.

husky health

Special features when feeding the husky

Essentially, what is generally important for species-appropriate dog nutrition applies to the husky’s diet. Give him ready-made feed, make sure that “complete feed” is on the packaging and that the protein and meat content is as high as possible. Sugar and other superfluous ingredients, however, have lost nothing in the food bowl of your four-legged friend. You can also help your husky by remembering to add nutrients that it cannot absorb through pure muscle meat. If you give your dog high-quality dry food. It must always have a filled water bowl nearby so that there is no lack of liquid.

In addition, huskies usually need more calories and nutrients than other, less active or smaller dog breeds. If you choose ready-made food, varieties are ideal for active dogs. If you can get your husky to be given larger portions than its peers. Some huskies tend to eat anything they can find. It is best to keep an eye on these four-legged friends so that nothing unhealthy or poisonous gets into your stomach. If your dog turns out to be picky about eating, try adding a little more variety to your menu.

Husky Breed Health: Are There Typical Diseases?

Luckily, Siberian Huskies are relatively healthy, robust dog breeds. There are only a few inherited diseases and serious dog breeders make sure that it stays that way. Nevertheless, hip dysplasia (HD) can occasionally be observed in the husky, for which many large dogs are susceptible. You can reduce the risk of hip problems by not giving your husky puppy food that is too high in calories, too nutritious in the growing phase, but by adapting its food to its age. Otherwise it grows too quickly and the joints remain unstable. In addition, you shouldn’t physically overexert your adolescent dog. Ideally, he rarely has to climb stairs and intensive dog sport is only advisable when he is full grown.

Furthermore, huskies are susceptible to a congenital zinc deficiency, whereby the absorption of nutrients from the feed via the intestine is disturbed. Symptoms of zinc deficiency include itching and reddened skin, frequent infections and fungal infections on the ears and bridge of the nose as well as strong hair regardless of the change of fur. If this hereditary disease is only slightly pronounced, dietary supplements with zinc are sufficient. If this does not help, talk to your veterinarian so that your dog is regularly given zinc intravenously.

How your husky stays healthy: tips

Exercise, employment and the right food keep your husky healthy for a long time. The breed is very intelligent and especially loves sled dog and pull dog sports because it was bred for this purpose.

If you want to get a white husky , you should read our article. https://petanimalworld.com/white-husky/

If you are taking a walk with Huskies, dog harnesses and a long towline are ideal. Because their energy means that they often want to be faster than their owner and then pull on the leash. If you then wear a collar and are kept on a short leash, pressure is put on the larynx, which can lead to inflammation or injury.

Huskies are very sociable dogs, so a good bond with you as the owner is very important for your mental well-being. But that alone is not enough, because the four-legged friends need their peers to play. Other, similarly active dogs are possible, but they usually work best with other huskies.

Many dog breeds die of cancer. Cancer types in dogs can cause many symptoms. As soon as you notice these symptoms, consulting a veterinarian without delay can save your dog's life.
Yes, Husky are intelligent and playful dogs with their stubborn personality and freedom-loving nature.
If you don't have enough energy for a husky, definitely don't get a husky. Husky does not like to be alone and is the type of dog that requires constant attention.

Parakeet Lifespan-How can you keep it healthy?


Parakeet lifespan is very important to us and we look for answers to questions like how long it lives and how it should be maintained. Parakeets are taken care of, their lives are extended, okay but how? Let’s find out.

Parakeets,which are generally found in 2 of every 20 houses, are among the most popular pet for years. The fact that these little cute and colorful animals are friendly with us and the desire to speak from time to time is one of the really interesting features. We should not forget that parakeets are a creature that needs attention and love. When purchasing them from a birder, you must embrace not only because they are cute but by embracing you as friends and companions. Because animal love shows this. The parakeet lifespan is related to your interest in it.

How Long Do Parakeets Live?

Remember that a neglected and marginalized animal will become sympathetic to loneliness over time. Birds’ feelings and thoughts are as sharp and effective as that of humans. When they feel neglected and lonely, they live their lives introvertedly. When they look around, only a caged feeling will naturally increase their unhappiness. He will want to get out of the cage or even leave you as soon as possible.

The extent to which the parakeets, who are much discussed and curious about, live are not scientifically proven. However, parakeet lifespan is average, 7 and 8 years, as long as it is maintained in very good conditions. Parakeets do not last more than 10 years.

parakeet lifespan

Just as when people cannot bear stress and sadness, they feel depressed and lonely and feel depressed, and this kind of emotions in their birds negatively affect their tiny brains. This reduces her resistance to life, resulting in a shorter life. The bird, which seems natural to live for 6 years, dies before the age of 3. Parakeets are friendly animals. They like to talk to them and make their presence felt by singing.

Parakeets can be trained and spoken. You can reach the article we wrote about their education by clicking on the link. https://petanimalworld.com/parakeet-training/

One word and interest allows them to get used to you in a short time. Fear of you is all about inadequate love. It is very important for the bird to have a healthy diet and provide it if its needs are sufficient. In the care of fledgling, it should not be handled much. The development of the treated baby birds slows down. They become weak and weak. They get sick faster.

take care of the baby birds

You should especially take care of the baby birds while taking the bait, give the seed the peeled bait. In bath care, the temperature of the water is very important. Birds should not be exposed to chemicals while washing. It is in your hands to have a long life of parakeets. A good care, sufficient vitamins and excessive holding and daily routine sports should be done. Birds should not fly and their wings should not get raw. Birds that never fly lose their ability to fly.

How long do parakeets live as pets? parakeet lifespan is average, 7 and 8 years, as long as it is maintained in very good conditions. Parakeets do not last more than 10 years.
Unfounately, yes. Parakeet maintenance is easy but daily maintenance may be required. If you are going to leave it alone too much or if you have no time, you should choose another animal.
The parakeet is a very sensitive animal and can die from loneliness. Minor diseases such as cold weather, stress, fungus are enough to kill him

Positive Dog Training Techniques


Positive dog training techniques are based on rewards for good behavior rather than punishment for bad behavior. But not all dogs like the same things, so choose what your dog likes. Some dogs are very food motivated and will do almost anything for even the tiniest bit of cheese, hot dog or “training bait” (different types are available from pet stores).

Other dogs are picky eaters and do not respond to food. But they may love to get petted, brushed or play time with a favorite toy. The point is to use something that your dog likes as the reward while training.

The best dog training Techniques

Positive dog training is based on the scientific animal behavior concepts of association and operant conditioning (using rewards to shape behavior), and it is important for you as the trainer to learn how to time the reward properly. Pat of your job is to carefully observe what your dog is doing and to reward him for the behavior you want as soon as he performs it.

For example, if you are training him to lie down, give him his treat as soon as he lies down with all 4 elbows touching the ground. If you wait until he rolls over on his side, he will think he is being rewarded for lying on his side. Dogs are extremely literal and immediate when it comes to interpreting the reason for receiving a treat.

Consistency is also important. During the training process (which may include several 10 to 20 minute training sessions over the course of a few weeks) be consistent about the behavior that you reward and with the word that you use to name the behavior. After your dog can successfully repeat the behaviors over a couple of sessions, you can start introducing some changes.

Dog Training Techniques

In fact, to instill the behavior long term, you should gradually shift to an intermittent reward schedule — but only after your dog can successfully perform the behavior on command almost 100 percent of the time.

At that point, you give the command and the verbal praise for performing it, but you do not give him the treat. You can withhold the treat one out of every 3 o 5 times, intermittently, so that your dog is not sure when he will receive the treat, but still expects it.

Gradually, you will no long need to use the treat, since your dog will successfully perform your commands based on your verbal cues alone. This is really the long term goal of positive dog training techniques.

Through a gradual process of reward-based training, you dog will be happy to carry out your commands because of the trust he had developed in your leadership.

dogs are picky eaters and do not respond to food. But they may love to get petted, brushed or play time with a favorite toy. The point is to use something that your dog likes as the reward while training.
Every dog likes to be cared for and trained, but; too much training can make them tiring and aggressive so you have to be careful
Need for you Eye contact, massage, daily walking, toys and most importantly game for praise a dog

How to Care for Veiled Chameleon?


In today’s article we prepared for pet owners; You will find answers to your questions such as what are the features of the veiled chameleons, veiled chameleon care, how should the terrarium be, veiled chameleon lifespan, how much it grows..

How to care for a chameleon

Veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus) is a species native to Yemen and Saudi Arabia. It is also known as Yemen chameleon. It is a good choice for those who are new to feeding chameleon as it is a large species. Although its natural habitat resembles a dry desert environment, it actually lives on the mountain slopes that receive considerable rain or in valleys with water and plants throughout the year.

It is one of the largest species of chameleon that can be fed as a pet. The adult male veiled chameleon can reach 60 centimeters, while the female is 45 centimeters tall. Offspring newly hatched will have between 7 and 10 centimeters of paint.

Veiled chameleon lifespan

The well-groomed veiled male chameleon lives between 6 and 10 years. The female survives on average 4 to 6 years. The difference is because the female chameleon produces eggs, even if they do not have the opportunity to breed. For this, the female, who uses a lot of energy, ages more quickly than the male chameleon.

Veiled chameleon habitat

In order to prevent stress and quarrels, it is useful to feed 8-10 months old baby chameleon alone. They must be fed in an environment that allows air flow. Wire mesh cages help with this. A terrarium may also be preferred, but obtaining a large enough aquarium is not easy and costly. In addition, ventilation may be insufficient in the terrarium.

The larger the terrarium of the adult veiled chameleon, the better. For men, a terarium with a width of 60 centimeters, a depth of 60 centimeters and a height of 120 centimeters is needed. If females are smaller, they can be fed in a cage (terarium) measuring 45 x 45 x 90 centimeters.

For now, we can provide so much information about Veiled Chameleon. If you still can’t decide what kind of animal friends to choose, you can go to the https://petanimalworld.com/pet-reptiles/ category to learn about such animals.

If you’re going to own a baby or young veiled chameleon, you can start with a small cage. But as your chameleon gets older, you should switch to a larger cage. A cage measuring 40 x 40 x 75 centimeters will suffice for young veiled chameleons until 10 months of age. The cage should then be enlarged.

The inside of the terairum should be equipped with medium-sized vines and greenery in order to hide the chameleon. Vines are very necessary for horizontal roosters. Your chameleon will rest on top of them. Artificial ornamental plants can also be used as long as there is no silk. However, living plants must be kept. Because thanks to them, the cage remains moist.

There is no need for any base material for the bottom of the terarium. On the contrary, it would be harmful. For example, your chameleon may accidentally swallow a piece of stone. Insects that are given as bait can get into the stones and disappear. Bacteria and fungi can grow. For these reasons, the bottom of the cage should either be left bare or covered with paper. Using paper makes cleaning the cage easier. Because its replacement is quite simple.

How do you take care of a veiled chameleon? They must be fed in an environment that allows air flow. Wire mesh cages help with this. A terrarium may also be preferred, but obtaining a large enough aquarium is not easy and costly. In addition, ventilation may be insufficient in the terrarium.
No, Chameleons don't like to be touched so you have to give them time. You must watch and follow and love.
This type of chameleon is not a good choice for beginners and kids. They should be looked after by experienced chameleon owners. Can be difficult to maintain for beginners

Cat Years To Human Years – How old is your cat ?


Cat years to human years may sound a bit surprising, but; we may need to know how old our housemate is. Old cat care and newborn cat care are very different. Let’s find out how old our cat is?

Learning about the human age of cats and dogs has been going on for years. Calculating cat years to human years seems a little complicated, but it’s actually very simple. Come on, if you have the question “How old is my cat according to human age?”

Cat Years To Human Years

Just like dogs, when calculating the age of cats, it is assumed that human age is calculated by multiplying its age by 7. However, this is not a healthy calculation method. Because our cat friends grow rapidly in the first 2 years of their lives.

With a rough calculation, the first 12 months of a cat are equal to the age of 10-14 people. When cats reach the age of 2, they are on average 25 years old, according to the age of the human. After two years of age, the growth of cats slows down and after this age it is equal to 4-5 human years each year.

cat years to human years

Cat Years     Human Years

1                  10-15

2                  24

3                  28

4                  32

5                  36

6                  40

7                  44

8                  48

9                  52

10                56

Kittens (first 6 months) become 10 human years when they complete the 6-month period.

Adolescent cats (6 months to 2 years old) begin to mature on issues of behavior and sexuality of cats at this stage.

Adult cats (3 to 6 years old) Cats that reach the age of 3 are considered mature. This process continues until the age of 6.

Older cats (ages 7 and over) From the age of 7, cats can live more than 100 years.

If you don’t have a cat friend yet, you can read this article. https://petanimalworld.com/benefits-of-choosing-older-cats-over-kittens/

If a cat’s age is not exactly known, some physical indicators suggest an idea of how old the cat is. The age-determining features of the cat are its teeth, muscle and skin structure, skin, and eyes.

Teeth are the greatest indicator of age, as in dogs, for cats. With cats shedding their first teeth within two to four weeks, the formation of their permanent teeth involves a period of 4 months. During this period, if a cat has permanent white teeth and the gap between them is tight, it is highly likely that this cat is around the age of 1 year. Generally, the appearance of tartar formation at the age of 3 is a clue in determining the age of cats, as the yellowing of the teeth is seen between 1 and 2 years old. If there is missing teeth in the mouth, the cat’s age is estimated to be ahead. Brushing your teeth with toothbrushes and toothpaste, which are produced exclusively for cats, is important for keeping your teeth intact.

When cats reach the age of 7, they are on average 44 years old
When cats reach the age of 15, they are on average 76 years old. Older cats (ages 7 and over) From the age of 7, cats can live more than 100 years.
You can find out the human age of your cat by looking at the chart. Kittens (first 6 months) become 10 human years when they complete the 6-month period. Adolescent cats (6 months to 2 years old) begin to mature on issues of behavior and sexuality of cats at this stage.

What do toads eat and Where do they live ?


We know a lot about animals like cats, dogs and birds,but what about toads? Where does the toad live and what do toads eat? There are a lot of types toads and They must be fed to survive, but how? Let’s learn together..

What do toads eat?

what do baby toads eat

As everyone knows, they catch their prey with the help of their tongues and pull them in. They often swallow insects without chewing. The reason for this is the tooth structure. What do toads eat ? In general, frogs seek their prey at night. Since frogs cannot hunt large animals due to their nature, they feed on insects, spiders, worms and tiny fish by hunting small animals.

They can also be prey

Only because he has teeth in the upper jaw, his teeth are not enough to break his prey. As a cycle of nature, of course; frogs also have hunters. Among them; There are raccoons, heron, turtles, snakes and humans.

Frogs have tactics to protect themselves in order not to hunt, or to feed other creatures. They developed this tactic with venom glands. They generally use their colors to protect themselves. For example; in vivid colors such as red or yellow, they say “I am poisonous” or “I have a bad taste.”

They also have the opportunity to observe their surroundings very well because they have large eyes. In this way, they protect themselves from their predators.

Wildlife For Toads

The Toad is an animal from the Vertebrates, the Amphibians class, the Frogs team, and the Toad family. It is 12-20 cm tall and looks ugly. He spends most of his life on land. When it enters the water to lay eggs in the spring, the female lays thousands of eggs on the aquatic plants. Tadpocks hatch at the end of April. Dark brownish tadpoles become adult when they exceed 2.5 cm. Adult frog can breed in 4-5 years.

They are tailless and toothless frogs. Their language is front-bound. It leaps and sticks to its prey. They are frogs adapted to live from the dry climate. Their skin is dry and warty. however, they are basically water-bound animals. If they are thirsty for a few days, they will die. In addition, water is necessary for their mating.

They live in shady places during the warm months of the year. If the air temperature gets too high or the humidity decreases, they are drawn to the underground cavities. They hibernate in children who are under these layers in winter. They feed by eating everything that moves around them, can be eaten and to certain sizes. Almost all types sound. The sound sac is very flexible and can expand to double the size of the whole body. The sound it makes at normal time, the sound it makes at mating time is different.

Toads may be of interest with their different colors and looks. There are many types of toads and one of them is fire bellied.  Fire Bellied Toad is a tropical climate creature. It is necessary to provide a living area close to its nature for this Frog species, which is also fed in terrariums in the home environment.

What do fire belly toads eat?

Fire Bellied Toad; It feeds on feeds such as crickets, flour worm and grasshopper. As with most Reptiles and Amphibians, calcium and vitamin drops should be added to their feed. Clean and rested water must be present in the terrarium.


A 40 × 30 terrarium will suffice for one Fire Bellied Toad. The ambient temperature required for this Frog, which is a tropical climate creature, should be at least 25 and at most 30 degrees. One UV-b lamp and one heating lamp will be sufficient as lighting in the terrarium. The lighting should remain on for at least 10 hours a day and the lighting should be kept in a part of the terrarium. At least half of the terrarium should be separated as a cool area and the Frog should be able to cool down by switching to that area whenever it wants.

There should be plenty of plants, bark and pieces in the terrarium. Thanks to these tree bark, areas where they can be stored at any time should be created.

Another area that should be in the terrarium is the water area. Since Fire Bellied Toad is an Amphibian, it requires both aquatic and terrestrial areas. In the terrestrial area, moist soil or sphagnum moss should be present as the base material, and in the aquatic region, a water area where it can swim should be constructed.

General Care For Fire Belly Toads

Fire Bellied Toad genus Frogs live in groups in nature. Therefore, feeding at least as a couple makes them happier. They don’t like being handled very much. It should not be handled unless it is necessary.

Those who reach adulthood find a maximum of 6 cm. It can live up to 10 years when a good care and necessary environment is provided.

And another type of toad is horned toads . Horned toads as known horned lizard. The horned lizard has a face that looks like the face of a toad. The reason for the horned lizard to become famous in this state is that it can spray blood from the eyes.

How big do horned toads get?

The horned lizard can be up to 12.50 centimeters long. His body is wide, flat and almost circular. His legs and tail are short. There are backward thorns on his head. These are called horns.

The back of the toad is also covered with smaller spines. Some of these toads are small because the thorns are small, and some with short horns, because the thorns are large (long horns). As these two types and in all toads are known, their bodies are covered with scales. But this reptile also has large spiky scales. Usually the edges of the body are surrounded by large flat scales.

Types Of Horned Toads

There are 12 types of horned toads. They live in areas starting from the other side of the Canadian border, continuing south and extending from the west of the United States to Mexico. The most common species is the Texas horned lizard. This animal is found in the part from Nebraskar to Mexico, Chihuahua and Sonora.

This toad lives in deserts and semi-desert sand sandy soils from lowlands to 3,000 meters high. What do horned toads eat? He drinks dew drops and eats insects, especially ants.

The horned toad slowly approaches the hunt; When he gets close enough, he stops and gently tilts his head towards his victim. Then he stretches his thick tongue and takes the beetle to his mouth in the blink of an eye.

As the day ends, the toad buries himself in warm sand. The reptile puts his nose in the sand. It folds and bends well, opening a place where it can lie in a semi-buried state. Or he buries his whole body and only the top of his head remains exposed.

Breed for Horned Toads

As the autumn approaches, the horned lizard remains buried in the sand longer. Going deeper in winter, he sleeps drowsy. Most horned toads lay eggs. The female digs a 15-centimeter deep hole in the sand between April and July. He does this with his front feet. It pushes the sand back with its hind legs. The female lays up to 30 eggs, each 1.25 cm tall, oval in shape, yellowish-white, with a hard shell, in the pit. Then he covers them with sand and leaves. Eggs hatch in a period of up to 90 days. This period varies by breed.

Some horned lizard varieties give birth to their offspring alive. They can nest up to 30 lizards at a time. These puppies come out of the cracking eggs just before birth. Their height is 3.10 inches initially. The horned toad has few enemies. The reason for this is that the armor and its colors are suitable for camouflage. Snakes sometimes eat these toads, and many times they pay for it with their lives.

Because the lizard’s thorns can sink into the soft wall of the snake’s sink. These reptiles are also successful in camouflage. Not only are they buried in the sand; The spots on their bodies also take on the color and shape of the sand or pebbles according to the environment they live in.

The horned toad is said to spray blood from its eyes when it is afraid. But those who feed in their homes or those who see them in their surroundings have claimed that this is not true.

What do toads eat FAQ

As everyone knows, they catch their prey with the help of their tongues and pull them in. They often swallow insects without chewing. The reason for this is the tooth structure. What do toads eat ? In general, frogs seek their prey at night. Since frogs cannot hunt large animals due to their nature, they feed on insects, spiders, worms and tiny fish by hunting small animals.
Cat food can harm toads. So don't give them cat food
Although wild toads don't make great long-term pets, they are relatively cheap to care for and can be fun to look after for a while. By knowing how to catch, house, and feed for your toad, you can find a pet that'll love being cared for.

White husky informations-You should read before buying


Husky breed has existed since ancient times. It is popular with its curious, friendly and astonished. If you have a husky at home, you are fun and busy every day. Huskies can surprise you with their looks. They have colorful eyes and shiny hairs. Especially all white husky is a very popular breed with its soft fur like cotton and blue eyes.

White Husky Specialists

Siberian Husky may be a most rewarding companion and runner partner for eligible owners who look like wolves and are famous for a strong desire to run for hours, who want to spend a lot of time through the doors, but they can be a handful and need an experienced owner and trainer. Husky is one of the most active dogs around, and they will not thrive in a sedentary lifestyle, instead they will tend to be devastating, and if you do not get enough of them (sled pulling etc.) they will start walking!

White Husky Specialists

The most preferred white husky with blue eyes in the Husky breed. They have the same character specialists as other feelings. While many think that Huskies can only be gray or white and gray, in reality Siberian Husky can be seen in almost any color or combination of colors, and yet it can be classified as a breed standard Husky.

Huskies also have different pattern styles and pattern color combinations, ranging from dogs to dogs, and therefore there are quite a lot of Husky looks. Some of the most common are:

  1. White but not albino; usually fur is a different color covered by white.
  2. Gray, in a variety of different shades.
  3. Black Huskies are usually a fur of another color or a different color.
  4. Red, again in various shades
  5. Top coat and liner, face marking or any combination of white, gray, red and black in a different color belly mix
  6. Albino
  7. Silver and white, white gray fur on top
  8. Backstitch marks where hairs come in contact with black and a different color appears on the head, shoulders and shoulders.
  9. Sable, a red-brown shade with a black nose
  10. A gingery color with a light red, white, orange, red, or yellow stomach
  11. Copper light red dark fur
  12. Agouti is an unusual fur coat consisting of different colored feathers
  13. White husky is rare as it does not have original fur. The most preferred white husky with blue eyes in the Husky breed. Huskies also have different pattern styles and pattern color combinations, ranging from dogs to dogs, and therefore there are quite a lot of Husky looks.
    a White Husky puppy will sell for between $500 and $1,000 USD.
    Isabella husky is also known as White husky.

The Siberian Husky Puppy – How to care?


Siberian husky puppy ​​is a type of dog that is also in rematch all over the world. This breed of dogs in the lower part of the body and the face is white feather. Other parts are grayish, silver or black.

Background on The Siberian Husky Dog

The Siberian Husky puppy is a working dog originally from the northern climates of Siberia. Huskies are a descendant of the original  sled dogs, and are capable of hard work. They are members of the Spitz family, like Pomeranians (Read more about Pomeranian), but much larger. They have triangular ears, a long tail, and a thick double coat of fur.

Some dogs are also frightened because the eye color has a spooky look because of the look when it is light blue or ice blue. Underneath this eerie look is a calm temper and a loving dog. It has big and big paws. Helps him step on icy areas and the ground more. Siberian husky puppy  ​​has erect ears. It has dense, thick hairs but very cottony hairs. Dogs of this breed are resistant to 60 degrees cold. The average life expectancy is 11-13 years. When evaluated as weight, male Siberian shepherd dog varies between 20-27 kilograms while female Siberian shepherd dogs vary between 16-25 kilos. They have the strongest and strongest body among the dog breeds.

A Dog That Likes To Stay Active

Huskies are dogs with high energy, and they need to stay active. After a long history of pulling sleds across the wintery tundra, Siberian Husky Puppy   appreciate exercise. Taking on the responsibility of owning a husky means making sure you can provide it with the space to move, and time to do it.

The ideal space for a Siberian Husky to call home is one that has a designated play area for them. This is an ideal plan to help protect your own belongs too. If possible to set aside part of a room or other wide area for your Siberian Husky to be able to play freely and get exercise. An ample backyard is also a good idea to give him space to run. Without being able to play and move about, Huskies can’t expend all their pent up energy.

Huskies will sleep for ten hours a night, and then nap for another three to four hours during the day. This is now surprise given how active they are when they are awake! It is important that your pet get its rest along with its playtime so that they are at their optimal health and well being.

Background on The Siberian Husky Dog

Getting Out And About With A Siberian Husky

Huskies love to play outside, and should get plenty of time to explore their environment. They are known as the ‘digging dog’ for their love of tearing holes into the ground. If you have pretty flowers and landscaping, it is best to dog proof it or surrender it to your Siberian Husky. Taking this dog out in public is best with a leash. Their curious nature can have them running off and getting into all sorts of trouble. That is best avoided.

If you want a softer race to go out, husky may not be for you. It is a very curious dog breed. If you want to feed a similar breed of dog, you can feed Pomsky, a combination of Husky and Pomeranian  Pomsky Husky are more tame and similar to their puppies. For more information about the Pomsky puppy, just click on the link. petanimalworld.com/pomsky-puppy/

Breeding of Siberian Huskies

Deciding to breed your Husky is a serious decision. A vet can help you make the right choice and can give you guidance along the way if you do decide to pursue breeding. Female Siberian Huskies should not be bred before eighteen months old. It is dangerous to them and the potential pups. Siberian Huskies have a gestation period of 56-65 days.

Husky puppies will open their eyes between seven and ten days old. They will crawl to their mother to nurse by instinct. If necessary, you may need to supplement their feeding with milk alternatives. A litter of puppies is a giant undertaking, and require almost constant care from you as well as from your own dog.

Siberian Huskies are active, independent dogs that love running around and exploring the world around them. They are an excellent breed to bring into your home if you’re ready for an adventure – and think you can keep up.

Husky lifespan – How long do huskies live?


The Siberian Husky lifespan on average 12-14 years. Unfortunately there is no guarantee for this period of time, but as the owner you can do a lot to make the time on earth pleasant and beautiful for the four-legged friend and to positively influence his life expectancy.

Nevertheless, the time spent with the pet will always be too short, even if the husky reaches the specified 14 years or even lives a little longer.

Enjoy this wonderful partnership between dog and human and make the most of the time given to you!

How to increase your Husky life expectancy?

1.Breeder choice for a long husky life

Not every husky is approved for breeding. Unwanted behavior or genetic defects are exclusion criteria because they do not improve breeding and can lead to sick or behaviorally disturbed offspring.

Only healthy parents that have been tested for important Husky breed-specific inherited diseases are mated. The litter will be healthy and you will receive a puppy with the best possible conditions for a long and happy dog life.


2. Healthy eating = longer husky lifespan

BARFs for huskies

Some husky owners swear by the BARF as the perfect diet.In specialist shops you will find many suitable types of food for every phase of the husky’s life. From puppies to senior, there are special mixtures that are perfectly tailored to the needs.

The price of the feed does not always say anything about its quality. Pay attention to the ingredients and do not buy husky feed that mainly consists of so-called fillers, such as grain and corn. Meat, however, should always come first and be the main ingredient in dog food.

3. Movement and mental load are not only good for us humans

The Siberian Husky was a farm animal and intelligent working dog for many years. This one urgently needs, and more than other dog breeds, exercise and employment. The workload can hardly be mastered by walks alone, every husky owner should be aware of this. The dog’s passion for racing should be lived out! Go jogging with the husky, let him run alongside the bike, or try a dog dog sport.

However, don’t forget the husky’s mental load. A solid basic obedience is an important part of his training, because the breed is often said to be very independent and occasionally stubborn. Training is particularly important.

4.Security at home and travel

  • Sort out toxic substances, medicines, cleaning agents and plants!
  • No matter whether in the household, kennel or on the go: you are responsible for the safety and well-being of your four-legged friend. It is therefore important to defuse sources of danger and to minimize the risk of injury.
  • Secure power cables and sockets
  • Always keep the trash can well closed
  • Make balconies dog-safe (risk of falling)
  • Fencing the kennel and garden so high that the dog can never jump over the fence
  • The kennel should be weatherproof, have a warm place to sleep and be of a suitable size
  • Secure the dog in the car with a 2-point dog harness in the back seat or place it in a transport box in the trunk
  • The husky should be on a leash in traffic and unknown terrain
  • On command, the dog should let go of supposed treats (poison bait)
Husky lifespan
The Siberian Husky lifespan on average 12-14 years. Unfortunately there is no guarantee for this period of tim

5.Nursing and daily health checks

The husky needs regular care of its fur (especially when changing fur) and, if necessary, eyes, ears, anus and paws should also be cleaned.

If you want to contribute to the health of your dog and very long husky lifespan, you also pay attention to behavior changes and possible signs of illness in your husky:

  • Injuries / cuts / sores
  • Bald spots in the fur / scaly skin
  • Discharge or crusting of the eyes, nose, ears
  • Parasites (worms, ticks, fleas, etc.)
  • Foreign bodies in the mouth or in the paws
  • Inflammation and redness
  • tartar
  • Loss of appetite / fatigue / aggression etc.
  • Nodules under the skin / swollen teats

If you discover any abnormalities, a visit to the veterinary practice is advisable for checking.

Where do hamsters come from?


Hamsters have information about hamster care, but they may not answer when you ask where do hamsters come from. Read on for answers to questions about where do hamsters live in the wild.

Where do hamsters live?

Hamsters were discovered in 1839. All golden hamsters come from Syrian golden hamsters. But until 1930, the zoologist Dr. ISRAEL AHARONI (1882-1946) is a young golden hamster from a home in Jerusalem University. Then he managed to grow golden hamsters.

All golden hamsters descend in this breed. Initially, small animals were abused as experimental animals. But as of 1945, it became increasingly popular as a pet in America and Europe.

What are the needs of Hamster?

As a pet, the hamster still has much in common with its free-living friends. He is an escape animal, and his life in the wild depends on a healthy dose of insecurity of the unknown. Things that seem too close and threatening to him sometimes recognize sharp teeth.

Of course you don’t want to scare your hamster. So you should never take it, especially in the beginning. He has to get used to his hand slowly, which works best with food. This depends on how quickly you can count on your patience and your behavior towards your hamster. The environment also has a lot to do with it: rest and a regular daily routine help the hamster get used to their new home.

You can click to link reach for hamster care . https://petanimalworld.com/hamster-care/

A quiet room that is regularly ventilated but not in the draft is ideal. Noise and smoking taboo. Just like its freelance counterparts, the pet hamster is twilight and night. He enters his safe place during the day. In nature, this protects him from his enemies. Therefore, it is limited use only as a pet for children. Of course, children love small animals and always want to move and move them. However, this will be extremely stressful for the hamster and will cause it to suffer. Therefore, hamsters are recommended as the earliest pet from school age.

What is the best cage for a hamster?

In nature, the hamster is always threatened by enemies and needs a safe escape. This instinct is preserved, although it is safe for you. Therefore proper livestock requires a sufficiently large cage – the larger it is, the better. At least 100x50x50 centimeters (GxYxD) hamsters find all possibilities at various levels ideally corresponding to their natural behavior. This includes a wide ridge as well as digging, hiding and building. A bottom with a very high edge is recommended for the cage so that the animal can dig the correct passages.

Here you can fill enough beds to dig (min. 20 cm high, more than welcomed!). A mixture of small animal litter, each of which is straw and a third of straw, is very suitable as scrapable beds. Please do not use cotton wool, use hemp, soft wood granules or garbage made of wood. Straw and straw are also suitable as materials for nesting and sleeping. Ideally, it should not contain mites. To be on the safe side, you can put it in the freezer for several days before using it.

Hamsters can live in the wild, but home-dwelling hamsters live longer.
Yes, Recognizes its owner But it has an extraordinary sense of smell and hearing. Their average lifespan is 3 years. They are very durable and do not require special care. They love to dig and run long distances
As a pet, the hamster still has much in common with its free-living friends. He is an escape animal, and his life in the wild depends on a healthy dose of insecurity of the unknown. Things that seem too close and threatening to him sometimes recognize sharp teeth.