Litter Box Training For Your New Kitten


As you bring home your new kitten you will want to start box training with an appropriate litter box. Litter box  training a kitten is easy and enjoyable for you . You can solve this problem by trying some methods. For obvious reasons a plastic box is the very practical since it is the easiest to clean. Make sure the sides are low enough that your little kitten can manage to climb in and out fairly easily. You will need to locate the box in a more quiet spot of your house that has little traffic. This way the kitten will have some privacy and be more likely to use the box.

Solving Problems For Litter Box

Make sure the litter box is easily accessible at all times (no one needs to shut a door without thinking that it will block the kitten from getting to the litter box). Placing it near to the kitten’s designated sleeping spot would be a good idea. Since some kittens will be put off by scented litter; start with an unscented clay litter or clumping litter or shredded paper.

If the clumping type sticks to the kitten’s paws so much that it makes a huge mess. You may want to select the unclamping type. Most kittens will naturally choose to use kitty litter rather than other surfaces. However, potted plants can look very much like the perfect spot to take care of business. To prevent the use of the pots, keep plants away from the kitten’s reach or use pine cones or decorative rock to cover the soil.

Litter Box Training For A New Kitten

To train your kitten to use the litter box every time, keep an eye on it at all times for the first few days. If you notice that he or she has stopped playing and started sniffing around, it is a good time to carry it to its litter box. You can praise the kitten for sniffing or scratching, including praise or treats for taking care of business while in the box. If you can’t watch the kitten, keep the kitten in a safe room with the litter box. You should only have to do this for the first two weeks, or until your kitten is consistently using the litter box . To make sure that your kitten will keep using the box, clean it regularly. Cats are naturally clean will balk at using a dirty litter box.

Once you have established a routine with an acceptable brand of litter, an appropriate type of box, and acceptable location, don’t make any sudden changes. If you need to change the location, put a new box in the new location. But leave the old box where it is until the kitten finds and starts using the new litter box. If you need to change litter type, try mixing the old litter with the new for a few weeks, gradually increasing the new type until it is fully the new kind.

Remember that pregnant women shouldn’t clean cat litter boxes. Cats can spread a disease called toxoplasmosis, which can affect the developing fetus causing birth defects in eye and brain development. Toxoplasmosis is spread by eating raw or under cooked red meat or by touching contaminated dirt or kitten litter. Cats catch this disease when they hunt and eat small animals. House cats are less likely to catch the disease since they are not out hunting. But it is best to be safe by not touching the litter box while pregnant. It is okay to touch your cat, however, so still give and receive the affection of your pet.

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