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How Long Do Goldfish Live


How long do goldfish live? This is a question that generates different answers depending on the manner in which a goldfish is looked after. The oldest known goldfish lived for 43 years. However, majority of goldfish are often unable to attain such an age due to harsh environmental conditions. On average, a goldfish lives for between 20 and 25 years.

Many people ask: how long do goldfish live when proper care is given? In fact, a goldfish that has been protected from predators and offered the best diet and care lives for up to 20 years above the average life expectancy.

How to live well cared for goldfish

In order for your goldfish to enjoy natural-like environment, the tank where it resides should be as large as possible. One fish should occupy some 40 liters of space where it can move freely without encountering any threats. A tank with a large surface area ensures that the tank gets enough oxygen. As more oxygen is exposed to large water surface area, much of it finds its way into the water and is therefore easily accessible to goldfish.

How Long Do Goldfish Live ? The tank where you intend to put the goldfish needs to be set up prior to purchasing the fish. This way, enough bacteria that are good will have found their way into the tank. The main advantage of these bacteria is that they help in breaking down the wastes that are produced by the goldfish. A fishless cycle has to be completed if the threat of ammonia poisoning is to be avoided.

If you feed your cute friend regularly and place decorations that she will love in her house, she will be happier and live more. Golfish life span is usually 7 years. There’s a 50-year-old goldfish.As a result, the life of your fish seven years can not say the more you give him love, the more he lives. If you take good care of your fish, it will keep you company for many years to come.No matter how much feed you feed, the fish can eat all of them because they don’t feel they are saturated, and so the fish may die.

What factors favor the quality of life of goldfish? How long do goldfish live when all these factors are in place? These are very critical questions to conservationists. Goldfish require physical and mental stimulation. The tank should be decorated gravel, plants and bridges. In this case, we are talking about goldfish that are in captivity. With proper care, these fish live for forty years. In their natural habitat, the ideal conditions might not easily come by and therefore goldf

ish tend to have a lifespan of between 25 and 30 years.

When in captivity, goldfish require a filter since these creatures are quite messy by nature. However, this is not to mean that you should not clean your tank. The filter only ensures that a small tank does not become deadly with dirt after only one day of habitation. Ensure that you change 30 per cent of all water in the pond in order for goldfish to live for the longest time.


What Not To Feed Dogs ?


Dogs smell everything and want to eat everything, but What Not To Feed Dogs? A new and cute member is added to our house and we’d love to take care of it at its best. They don’t just have to eat dry or wet food. Maybe add good snacks and human foods to feed dogs. They can have lots of fresh vegetables like corn, carrots, and cheese. You can mix fresh vegetables, rice, ground turkey to make a great meal for your dog.

Peanut butter is also a great snack and one of the dog’s favorites. You can put a little on dog toys. You can also put some peanut butter on the wall in the tub to get your dog to stand or sit still while you give them a bath.

Grapes onions and chocolate are bad for dogs to eat. Rawhide bones are bad for dogs because they have artificial food color dye that isn’t good for dogs.  Also, lots of dogs eat objects they aren’t supposed to eat. Like grass, sticks, and rocks from the yard. It’s very bad for them.

We did research about  What Not To Feed Dogs ? and shared it for you.

Dogs should never eat the following foods ; 

  • Because of the toxic person, it contains, even a bite can have effects such as vomiting, diarrhea in dogs.
  • Grapes can cause kidney failure in dogs.
  • Coffee and tea contain stimulants such as caffeine, chocolate, and can damage the nervous system and heart of dogs.
  • Milk and dairy products are only good for puppies. Lactose intolerance may occur if an adult dog consumes it.
  • Since onions and garlic contain disulfides and sulfoxides, they can cause damage to red blood cells in dogs.
  • Raw meat and fish can cause food poisoning. In addition, fish such as salmon cause salmon poisoning and can be fatal in a few weeks if the disease is not diagnosed.
  • Alcohol; Seeing your dog drunk can be a very funny sight, but because alcohol can easily penetrate through the stomach wall, the end of the fun can result in death as it has effects such as nervous system, coordination, and depression in the animal.
  • Xylitol, which is one of the low-calorie sugar alcohols used mostly in chewing gum xylitol, even if taken in small amounts, reduces blood sugar, seizures, even leads to death
  • Chocolate; Because of theobromine contained in your dog absolutely but certainly do not eat chocolate, and if you notice that you eat chocolate, you should immediately contact the vet.

Introducing a New Food to a Puppy


Introducing a New Food to a puppy is important because even if it is a healthy food. Other reasons may include an allergic reaction to the food you are feeding the puppy. The puppy may lose his or her taste for the food you are feeding. The puppy’s veterinarian may recommend a dietary change. Last but not least, you could have to change your dog’s diet because of a pet food recall.

It is best to make a gradual transition when changing your puppy’s food. Unfortunately, you may have to throw caution to the wind in the event of a pet food recall because no one wants to feed his or her puppy tainted food.

how to change dog food gradually?

A rapid change in diet can cause stomach upset, indigestion, diarrhea and vomiting. The process of changing a puppy’s food in most situations means taking a week to 10 days to make the transition.

Start by adding a small amount of the new food to the puppy’s diet. Thoroughly mix the new food into the old food for new  puppy is used to eating. Increase the amount of new food and decrease the amount of old food in proportion. Add more new food each day until you are no longer using the old food. This gradual transition should help you make the food exchange without distress to the puppy’s system.

If your puppy develops loose stools during the food transition, try slowing down on the food change. Maintain feeding the same amounts until the puppy is better. Then you can begin to slowly add more of the new food and decrease the old food in equal amounts.

If changing foods causes your puppy to experience an upset stomach, you can add a mixture of boiled chicken and rice or hamburger (be sure it is lean and the fat is removed) and rice for a few days.

Pepto-Bismol can be used to help curtail stomach problems. It is best to check with the puppy’s veterinarian for the proper dosage.

how to switch puppy from wet to dry food?

As your puppy grows into adulthood, you will have to decide when to change from puppy to adult food. A general rule of thumb is to make the change when the dog has stopped growing because it takes less nutrition to maintain an adult’s body than a puppy’s rapidly-growing one.

Dog breed and size has a lot to do with when a puppy stops growing, but it will occur in most cases between the ages of one and two years. Dogs that are considered small or medium-sized usually stop growing by the time they reach the age of one. Large dogs that weigh between 80 and 100 pounds usually stop grow in

g by the time they are 18 months of age. Very large dogs weighing more than 100 pounds need the extra nutrition provided by puppy food. It can take up to two years of age until they finish growing.

If your dog doesn’t seem to fit into the general guidelines, consult the puppy’s veterinarian for advice.

When Do Puppies Start Teething?


When do puppies start teething ?  If you have owned a newborn dog, you must have noticed that your dog does not have teeth. Dogs do not have teeth when they are born, but after a short period of time, approximately 2 weeks later, milk teeth emerge and these milk teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. Just like we humans …

Puppy Milk teeth or baby teeth that start to grow at the age of 2 weeks are completed in 8-10 weeks period. When do puppies start teething ?  First, the incisor teeth, then canine teeth and premolar molars, which we call premolar teeth and these teeth are 28 pieces. Your puppy may be aggressive when teething . You need to calm him down and help him.

When Do Puppies Get Their Teeth

When they are 4 months old, they may occasionally grow up to 6 months, all teeth fall out to replace permanent teeth, and an adult dog (sometimes varying from race to race or may vary depending on health problems) begins a tooth replacement of 42 teeth.

However, it should be noted that when milk teeth change to fall, permanent teeth start to emerge from the bottom. Therefore, permanent incisors at 2-5 months, canine teeth at 4-6 months, premolar at 4-7 months and molar teeth at 5-7 months will begin to emerge and when the teeth are approximately 7-8 months old, all tooth replacement will be completed.

Your dog may have a lot of itching problems when he’s changing teeth, so you should get him puppy teething toys. Puppies gnaw shoes, chairs during tooth replacement periods, so remember to buy toys for them. The products that will both eliminate the problems of your dog and will not harm your teeth will be the right choice for you.

İf Your Dogs Teeth Falling Out

If you take care of your dog’s teeth from the offspring, there is almost no chance of encountering problems such as tooth loss or tooth decay. In dogs, care must be taken to ensure proper feeding. Dry food is very effective for maintaining the health of dogs, so feeding dogs mainly on dry food helps to maintain dental health.

On the contrary, dogs that feed on continuous wet food or other soft foods are more likely to experience dental problems, because soft foods accumulate between the teeth of the dogs and these build-up layers lead to bacteria, calculus, tartar, plaque formation and decay. In addition to dry food, brushing is a method that can be used for dental care of dogs. When you finish writing our dog friend to the vet regularly do not forget to take the dental checks we say.

Do dogs teeth fall out? Unfortunately yes. If your dog has significant dental problems, teeth may fall out. The lives of dogs with shedding teeth may be at risk.

You should care about your dog’s teeth.

Dwarf Hamster Baby Care Tips


Dwarf hamster baby care is very enjoyable. Starting a dwarf hamster family requires a lot of effort and responsibility on the part of the owner. If you plan on one, make sure you are ready for it – financially, physically and psychologically.

When your dwarf hamsters are mature enough to breed, you can simply put the males and females together and they will breed without a fuss. Gestation period is about 20 days and litter size varies, from 1 to 10.

As soon as the babies are born, here are simple tips you can do to help and ensure the safety and health of the litter.

How do I stop my hamster from eating her babies?

1. Make sure their home is not made of wires as the little ones can easily squeeze themselves in between them, and you do not want baby dwarf hamsters all over your house.

2. Leave them at the care of their mother for the first 10 days, literally. Dwarf Hamster Baby Care  You should not touch their abode during this period because doing so may upset the mother.

Not only that, if you touch them, their scent will be affected and this could confuse the mother, and possibly make her think the babies are not hers. The danger if this happens is she will refuse to care for them and at this time, the babies are still completely dependent on her.

3. After the 10th day, you can go ahead and clean their cage on a weekly basis. If the mom is not so protective, you can touch the young ones for short periods otherwise, you may not do so. Moreover, at this time, you can already feed them some oats, oatmeal, bird seeds, tiny slices of cucumber and red apple, and wheat germ.

Hydrating them through water-enriched food like cucumber and apple is recommended because at this age, they are still incapable of reaching water bottles, due to their size and the fact that their eyes are still closed. If they are dehydrated, this could be extremely dangerous for them.

4. You can place some wood shavings on the flooring of their ‘home’ as the babies can be very jumpy until their 4th week, and they are quite prone to injury. Make sure however that the wood does not contain oils as this can be toxic to dwarf hamsters.

5. As soon as they are about 20 days old, you can already take them away from their mother and place them in another cage. Make sure you separate them, i.e. all males and all females. They are already capable of having babies of their own as soon as they are a month old.

As an additional note, you should not sell or give babies away until they reach 4 weeks of age as this could be especially unsafe for them.

How to Care for Your Aging Pets


We wanted to research and give you detailed information about Care for your Aging Pets. As our dogs get older, just like people they need to be provided and cared for. Pet owners should be proactive in there pets aging process by determining healthy food choices, vitamins, exercise and comfort. By reading books, speaking with your dog veterinarian and reading web articles, there’s no excuse for not properly being prepared.

Healthy food choices are a great starting point. Pet nutrition should be an intricate part of your pet’s life, especially in their old age. Some suggest staying away from high protein foods; this is because they require a lot more breaking down during the digestion process, sticking with foods that are greater in Carbohydrates is preferred. Whole grains are a terrific source of Carbohydrates.You should go to veterinary control to care for your aging pets .  you also may want to look for High Energy Foods that are low in Protein. Goat’s milk and Green Tea Extract are also recommended.

Aging for pets care

Dog vitamins are also a great way to keep your dog strong and healthy during the aging years. Older dogs should get a daily dose of DMG, EPA, DHA, Taurine, L-Glutamine, alpha lipoic acid, and grape seed and milk thistle. This supports the immune, heart, liver, eye and brain. Check with your veterinarian for specific recommendations.

Exercise should be a must for any pet regardless of age. We all know dogs love to featch, even older dogs. By playing with your dog in the back yard or local park is recommened. If your dog suffers with arthritis then consult your veterinary for other solutions.

Aging for dog care

As your pet ages, you want to make sure you keep comfort in mind. Older dogs needs to be pampered more then younger ones. Purchasing a softer and larger bed is a good idea. Smaller beds are harder on their joints and produces discomfort. Remember dogs that don’t receive proper sleep (10 -12 Hours a day) can become grumpy.

Taking your dog from middle age to old age should be fun and educational. With your comment and Loving care, your dog can still maintain a healthy relationaship with you and your family.

What You Should Really Know About Outdoor Cat House


For make Outdoor cat house or cat home you don’t need to be a very good master.  If you want to feed your cat at home you should get her a private house or should. There must be a house and furniture where your cat will have fun in the living area of ​​your home. Enjoy your cat without spending too much money.

Keep your feline safe while roaming outside in an outdoor cat house

For the pet owners it’s the most vital responsibility to keep the pet safe from any kind of risks. A cat owner loves the kitty like his own child. It’s a pretty decent question how he ensures the security of his lovely pet. Outdoor cat house is very simple to make. The best way to keep the pet secure is to build an outdoor kennel for her. The indoor cats are simply more secure and privileged than outdoor cats. But they do also need roaming outsides for meeting their natural instincts.

Outdoor Cat Enclosures

All the pet-owners have become much aware in the recent years. Day by day the indoor cats roaming outside have become much unsafe due to the increasing traffic and the new laws against the “stray cats”.

So the indoor cats remain safe only under supervision. So the demand of the outdoor cat house has grown in the recent years. In the outdoor cat house there are some arrangements where a cat can find all the ways it can perform its outdoor activities with freely.

There are arrangements so that the cat gets the chance to enjoy the sunshine. Her basic instinct of scratching can be done with no harms. Thus the cat’s outdoor house should be ideal choice to provide the cat the maximum luxury on a pets account. Cat houses these days serve all kind of facilities necessary for a cat for comfortable living styles.

A cat house includes a cat litter box, perches, sometimes window-mounted bays, large and elaborate wood and wire courtyards, cat proof fencing and many other simple but necessary living utensils for cats. The cat trees, the cat gyms might be a very useful choice for the cats. They depend on you for their living and their needs very often.

The father loves his child to let him live the most lavish lifestyles. The cats having a really loving owner are nevertheless living the most luxury lifestyle on their account. And as the cats need to roam around the outside house can be the best choice for the beloved pet. And there are always better options for your cat’s welfare in an extensive range of choices.

What You Should Really Know About Outdoor Cat Enclosures

Let your cats roam freely, arrange outdoor cat enclosures

Having a pet is a very enjoyable thing for the owner. In the busy citizen life one needs some pure and harmless entertainment. There is no denial about that; a pet can be your best choice to have it.


Find out more about Spay and Neuter


One issue that many new pet owners face is whether to spay or neuter. Unless you plan to breed or show your cat or dog, taking steps to make sure that he can’t reproduce is not only responsible, it’s good for his health! Find out more about Spay and Neuter.

What Is Spaying and Neutering?

When pets are spayed or neutered, a veterinarian sterilizes them, which means that they are unable to reproduce. Spaying involves the removal of a female’s ovaries and uterus, making it impossible for her to become pregnant. Neutering involves the removal of a male’s testicles, making it impossible for him to impregnate a female. The words “fixed” and “altered” are sometimes used for these procedures, which are layman’s terms for sterilization. Sterilization is the most common operation that veterinarians perform. Both spaying and neutering are very simple procedures, and new anesthetics are available that make a pet’s recovery speedy and painless.

Why Spay and Neuter?

First and foremost, there are real health benefits to spaying and neutering. Neutering prevents testicular cancer and reduces the risk of prostate cancer, hernias, and bleeding anal tumors in male pets. For female pets, spaying prevents ovarian and uterine cancer and pyometra, and it reduces the risk of breast cancer.

There are also behavioral benefits to sterilization. Neutered dogs experience less problem behaviors like marking, excessive barking, and aggression and tend to do less wandering away from home. Spayed female dogs and cats no longer experience heat cycles, which can be messy and cause upheaval in the household. Both sexes of cats show reduced territorial spraying and roaming when sterilized.

why spay and neuter

One other great reason to consider spaying or neutering is the enormity of the pet overpopulation problem in the United States. Millions of unwanted pets are euthanized every year in this country. When a pet cat or dog is sterilized, the chance of an unwanted pregnancy is removed, and some of the behavioral issues that cause a pet to be given up for adoption may be prevented.

When Is the Best Time to Spay or Neuter?

To get any health benefits from the procedure, female dogs should be spayed before their first heat cycle (five to six months old). Puppies of either sex can actually be safely spayed or neutered when they are only a few weeks old, and many shelters practice this to curb the pet overpopulation problem. However, many vets prefer to wait a bit longer, until the puppy is slightly more mature.
Cats can be spayed or neutered as early as 6 to 12 weeks. Studies have shown that cats altered at an early age have the same growth and behavior as those altered from 6 to 12 months.

All responsible pet owners need to consider spaying or neutering their pets, not only to help control pet overpopulation but for the health of their animal companion.

How to buy a Best Pomeranian Puppy


Feeling before getting a Pomeranian is very great because you know you will soon be the owner of the most loved puppy in the world. It is super cute and lovable. Do you think that going and getting a Pomeranian is a simple task? No! It isn’t. You need to think about so many things then just thinking if you want a girl or a boy.

There are certain questions that a person must ask himself before going to add Pomeranian or any other puppy in the family. Let’s look at these questions that you must ask yourself before taking the decision:

Is your house suitable for the Pomeranian?

Not every environment is suitable for every breed. Some puppies grow best in big houses and some can manage in small apartments so first research whether the breed you select can live easily with you in your present home.

How much time you can give?

Having a pet is a great responsibility. Training, grooming and above all the expense of the puppy, do you think you are ready for all? You have to give good amount of time to your dog always.

Which is the perfect place to get your puppy?

You usually have three options to get your puppy

  • Adopt it from an animal shelter
  • Purchase it from a pet store
  • Buy it from a reputable breeder

When you are able to answer all these questions, start the search. Research thoroughly and use all the resources. Whether you are buying the puppy from the reputable breeder or adopting it from a shelter, if you know good about the breed you will surely get the best.

When you are sure that there is no turning back, take the appointment to meet your new family member. There are certain things that should be checked in detail when the puppy is with you. All these things are mentioned here and they are highly important because they will be the foreteller of your puppy’s health and also your relation with it.

Things that a person must consider before getting a puppy are:

  1. Health:

The top and the foremost thing to look in any puppy is the health. Things that you can see in the Pomeranians are

  • Alertness level
  • Coat’s attractiveness
  • Level of energy
  • Breathing patterns
  • Unusual discharge

2. Think wisely

In health and behavior both, extremity matters. Before purchasing a Pomeranian don’t just think you are adopting a sick puppy to provide it home, or you can take care of any puppy. Helping out sick animals is not easy and let the professionals do the job. Only go for the healthy Pomeranian when you are selecting the one for your home.

3. Check Sight and Hearing Abilities

It is highly necessary to check the hearing and sighting abilities of the puppy. Use claps to hear sound reflex, and take the help of rolling ball to check eyesight.

4. Know about the Social interaction

Being social is highly necessary. Check if the puppy is interacting with other litters. This way you can detect the social interactions. Look out for these signs to judge:

  • Loner
  • Dominant
  • Submissive 

How to see the relation of Pomeranian with humans?

  1. When you approach the Pomeranian see how it reacts in the presence of humans. Don’t go to it, instead encourages it to approach you. See for these signs:
  • Willingness to reach you
  • Urination
  • Interested or not
  • Tucked tail
  • Check the sound and sight reaction. See if the puppy is over reactive
  1. See the level of possessiveness. Check if the puppy doesn’t allow you to take its food or toys. Give it chew toy and food to see how it reacts.
  2. It is also necessary to see how a puppy response to handling. See if it remains relaxed, become fearful or show aggression.

All these tips will help you to select one best Pomeranian, but remember

when you will get the puppy to your home, it will react in a different way because of the new environment and surroundings. Give it time to adjust and don’t start to judge its behavior immediately. We hope that these tips will help you to get the best Pomeranian.

daily Iguana Feeding


It is very important that you feed your iguana the proper diet. Failure to do so will lead to many health problems. They are herbivores, which means that they only eat plants and no meat. Here are some of the most important things you need to know about iguana feeding.

Vegetables for iguana feeding

Vegetables should be the staple of your iguana diet. It’s best to feed dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, parsley, and collard greens. You can also give collard, mustard, and dandelion greens to him. Other suitable vegetables include carrots and squash that have been shredded.


Iguanas also eat plant material in the wild, so you should provide him with some. Just make sure that the plants have not been sprayed with any fertilizers or chemicals. The most common choice is dandelion leaves and flowers. Your other options include carnation flowers, hibiscus flowers, and rose petals. Just make sure that you never feed azaleas because they’re toxic to iguanas. Your local pet store should carry edible herbs and flowers.


Providing fruit is also a necessary part of feeding iguanas. However, this should only be given occasionally. Berries, apples, peaches, pears, and bananas are all fine. You can also give him grapes, plums, and melons.

Need to fresh Water

You need to make sure your iguana always has plenty of fresh water available. If you allow the water to sit, it will eventually get dirty and contaminated. This may cause serious health conditions. The food also shouldn’t be allowed to spoil in the enclosure.