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Can dogs eat potatoes? Are potatoes safe for dogs?


Can dogs eat potatoes? Dogs need a balanced diet; In the wild, animals get their food from grasses, roots and meat. A balanced, breed-appropriate diet for our dogs is becoming increasingly important for their owners. Today we will discuss whether potatoes are good for dogs.

Dogs can eat potatoes !

The potato is basically healthy – but only in boiled form! Like tomatoes and aubergines, potatoes belong to the nightshade family and contain the poisonous substance solanine. Solanine belongs to the group of alkaloids and is found mainly in green and unripe potatoes. It is most concentrated in the shell and the germs of the tuber. As with all nightshade plants, all green parts of the plant are intolerant to humans. In the case of potatoes, this means that no part of the plant that grows above the ground may be consumed. The cooking water should also not be used under any circumstances.

Even small amounts of the poison solanine can lead to poisoning: The symptoms are abdominal pain and cramps, diarrhea and general malaise. Three to five grams of solanine per kilogram of body weight can even be fatal for humans.

Never give them green potatoes!

For this reason, we should definitely not consume sprouting or green potatoes. From a certain size of the germs or when there are a lot of them on the potato, it no longer helps to simply remove the germs or cut off the green areas, because the solanine spreads throughout the potato over time. Cooking or baking does not reduce the solanine content either, because the poison is resistant up to a temperature of 200 ° Celsius

And the same applies, as is so often the case, to four-legged friends. Depending on the size, weight and general health of the dog, solanine can lead to swelling of the mucous membranes and disorders of the brain. You can feed your dog boiled potatoes without a peel with a clear conscience, because potatoes contain many important ingredients that contribute to a healthy and balanced diet for your dog. Dogs need sufficient proteins, fats and carbohydrates – all of which are found in potatoes and with a low fat content.

Can dogs eat mashed potatoes?

Can dogs eat mashed potatoes?
Can dogs eat mashed potatoes?

The potato is not only an excellent supplementary feed. It is also suitable as diet food or light food. Diarrhea or vomiting can happen quickly in dogs. For these stomach and intestinal problems, boiled potatoes are very good as a light food – on the one hand they are easy to digest and on the other hand they provide the dog with important vitamins and nutrients. The carbohydrates it contains give your dog strength again. In addition, the potato has a protective effect on the gastric mucosa, which is very important in the event of vomiting or diarrhea.

As a light food, the potatoes are steamed and mashed. You can also mix in a little cottage cheese or lean meat as needed. Feed the mixture lukewarm. Most dogs like this diet food very much.

If you want you can open our new article about can dogs eat carrots https://petanimalworld.com/can-dogs-eat-carrots-how-to-give/

Can dogs eat raw potatoes?

No’ dogs can not eat raw potatoes. What is particularly healthy for humans also applies in this case to our four-legged friends. If your dog has to keep a diet, they will love to feed them potatoes. However, the potatoes should always be fed cooked.

Raw potatoes, on the other hand, are poisonous for our four-legged friends. Therefore, only the boiled or steamed tubers of the potato may be fed. The poisonous substance solanine is contained in the green parts of the potato (peel, sprouts).

The latter can ultimately lead to cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, inflammation of the mucous membranes and a disorder of the brain. That is why potatoes only have to be fed when they are cooked, because the heat renders the poisonous substance solanine harmless.

If your darling falls ill with a gastrointestinal virus, the potato is the perfect diet food. Incidentally, the gift of the potato is considered a light diet.

can dogs eat potato skins?

If it’s a boiled potato skins, the answer is yes. But raw potato skins cannot eat charity.

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Can dogs eat onions? Are onions safe?


Can dogs eat onions? Is that a good idea or is the leek plant poisonous or even fatal for four-legged friends? How do I react correctly when the dog has eaten an onion? Do you have to go to the vet because of poisoning? Lets go to deep into our article for answers..

No, dogs cannot eat onions. These contain sulfur compounds such as propyl disulfide and allyl propyl sulfide, which are toxic to dogs. Sulfur in the body breaks down red blood cells that have been associated with a toxic effect and can be fatal to the dog. The same goes for garlic.

Why can not dogs eat onions?
Why can not dogs eat onions?

Why can not dogs eat onions?

  • Sulphides are found in onions as well as in garlic. These sulfides destroy the red blood cells in your dog’s body. The consequence of this can be anemia in your dog friend.
  • Then the body can no longer supply the organs of your darling with sufficient oxygen. This leads to organ failure and ultimately your dog’s death.
  • Make absolutely sure that your fur nose cannot reach onions. An amount greater than 0.5% of your dog’s total weight can be enough to cause symptoms of intoxication.
  • For a dog weighing 10 kg, this corresponds to 50 grams of onions. On the other hand, if your dog weighs only 2 kg, the dangerous amount of onions is only 10 grams.
  • Freshly picked onions are especially dangerous. Because they have the highest content of essential oils.

Raw Onions and Garlic: Even a medium-sized onion can be fatal to a medium-sized dog because the sulfur compounds in the onion and garlic break down the red blood cells in the dog’s blood (called hemolysis). Even if the onions are cooked or dried, there is still a risk.

A poisoning of the dog by onions or garlic is not always easy to recognize for the layman, especially since the extreme symptoms of poisoning often only manifest themselves after two to four days. If your dog seems apathetic and withdraws into a corner, this is actually always a sign that something is wrong and can already be a sign of poisoning. Vomiting or diarrhea and frequent tremors can also indicate poisoning. Most often, when poisoned, the animal’s urine will be dark in color. Other symptoms can include a rapid heartbeat and heavy breathing, as well as a rather weak pulse.

Dog ate onions: what to do?

If your dog has eaten onions in spite of all caution, you should always consult your vet. Even small amounts can cause a lot of damage. Therefore, it is better to call one too many times than one too few. Especially if your furry friend belongs to the smaller dog breeds.

Consequences of onion or garlic poisoning

Onion or garlic poisoning attacks the dog’s red blood cells. The result is anemia, i.e. anemia, which endangers the oxygen supply to the organs and can be fatal. Another possible sequela is hypertension. This is an increased blood pressure which, depending on the degree of intoxication, also puts a heavy strain on the organs. If the dog has ingested large quantities of the growth and is not taken care of by a veterinarian, this can lead to death.

Can Dogs Eat Cantaloupe?


Can Dogs Eat Cantaloupe? You may be wondering if you want to share a snack with your pup or if your dog accidentally ate a piece of this tasty fruit. Humans can eat cantaloupes, so is it safe for dogs to eat too? Let’s go to deep into our article for answers..

Can my dog eat cantaloupe?

The short answer is yes, dogs and your dog can eat cantaloupe as long as you don’t give them the bowl. Cantaloupe is moisturizing and full of fiber, as well as vitamins A and C, which makes this melon a healthy treat for your pup too when given in moderation.As always, you must consult your veterinarian before sharing any human food, including melon, with your dog. Here’s what you should know about feeding cantaloupes to dogs:

Is cantaloupe good for dogs?

  • Cantaloupe is an amazing source of fiber, minerals, and vitamins B6, A, and C.
  • Vitamins A and C are antioxidants, which means the melon will help reduce your dog’s free radicals. This slows down the aging process and promotes healthy cell function.
  • Vitamin B6 is important for numerous organs and functions in your dog’s body, including red blood cells, your puppy’s immune system, and your puppy’s nervous system.
  • Plus, cantaloupe is a low-calorie treat with plenty of water that will keep your dog hydrated without gaining unwanted weight.

How much cantaloupe is too much?

A few bite-sized pieces here and there ensure healthy enjoyment for your dogs. However, if your dog has a sensitive stomach or has diabetes, this snack should be skipped. Too much cantaloupe can lead to an upset stomach. If your dog has any of the following symptoms after eating a melon, contact your veterinarian:

  • Vomit
  • diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Painful or bloated stomach
  • Lethargy

How can I safely give Cantaloupe to my dog?

First, you need to ask your veterinarian if it is safe to feed your dog cantaloupe. If your vet gives the okay, you can let your pup try this delicious fruit.
The key to safely feeding your doggie magnifying glass is removing the bowl. Melon peel can damage a dog’s digestive system and also present a choking hazard.

With the bowl out of the way, there are tons of fun ways to serve your puppy cantaloupe. You can simply give your dog small pieces from a fruit salad, freeze small pieces in ice for a moisturizing summer treat, or even dehydrate them for a simple dry fruit snack for your pup.

Make sure you give your dog a cantaloupe in moderation. Too much can lead to bowel problems like diarrhea.

Can dogs eat peanuts? Is peanut butter good for you?


Can dogs eat peanuts? Our friends like to eat peanuts. One or the other even loots the nuts with the shell in order to be able to nibble on them somewhere in their hiding place. But this is exactly where the question arises for the dog owner:Is peanut butter good for you? let’s go to deep into article for answes..

Only healthy dogs can eat peanuts

can dogs eat peanuts
can dogs eat peanut butter

İf you dog is healthy, it has peanuts but, they should only be eaten in moderation, and only unsalted, unflavored nuts with the shells removed are safe to eat at all.

Peanuts are high nutritional value foods. They contain around 25 percent protein and are rich in the important omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium. All of these ingredients are healthy and valuable for the dog. Here’s the good news: completely healthy dogs are welcome to eat peanuts in between. Everything in moderation, of course. They can be peeled and given in small quantities to the barf menu or as a small treat in between. However, peanuts should always be given in small amounts.

Especially if you have not yet had any experience, you should start with a small amount to see whether the dog can tolerate the nut. The bad news is that the peanut can also have negative effects. However, great caution should be exercised if the dog has heart or kidney problems. In this case, the small, delicious nuts should be completely avoided. In addition, peanuts are suspected of causing epileptic seizures in dogs.

Peanuts: Dog is supplied with healthy nutrients

Especially at Christmas time it is always a celebration to crack a few delicious nuts. The peanut is one of the most popular snacks. No wonder, because it is not only very delicious, but also very healthy and rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. These nutritional values make peanuts healthy for dogs:

  • With a protein content of around 25%, peanuts are richer in protein than most other types of nuts.
  • The peanut contains essential fatty acids like the vital omega-3 fatty acids.
  • The nut contains many vitamins, especially B vitamins and vitamin E.
  • The mineral magnesium is also contained in the nuts.
  • Other minerals contained are iron, phosphorus and calcium.

These varieties are harmful to dogs:

  1. Macadamia nuts
  2. Bitter almonds
  3. nutmeg
  4. Black walnut

Can dogs eat peanut butter?

can dogs eat peanut butter
can dogs eat peanut butter

Yes, dogs can eat peanut butter. Peanut butter in itself is not dangerous for dogs. Most dogs even find it so delicious that it can be used as a treat. Of course, peanut butter should only be fed in moderation due to the high sugar content. However, some dogs have a nut allergy. Of course, if this is the case, then under no circumstances should peanut butter be fed. You also have to be careful what kind of sugar is used in the peanut butter. Some manufacturers use xylitol instead of sugar. Xylitol is highly toxic to dogs. It’s also often found in chewing gum. Therefore, please always check the packaging to see whether real sugar was used or not.

Nuts are generally not good for dogs. They are high in phosphorus, which can lead to stones in the bladder. The exception to this rule seems to be peanut butter (many vets even advise using it if the dog is reluctant to take medication). But only organic peanut butter without salt / sugar, as normal peanut butter contains many toxins.

Can dogs eat mushrooms? Are they safe?


Mushrooms come in many varieties, and some are toxic to humans. Other types of mushrooms are very useful. Can dogs eat mushrooms? Let’s go to the depth of the article to learn the answers to questions like and how they can eat.

Mushrooms are non-toxic to dogs and can be fed to dogs every now and then. However, mushrooms are generally difficult to digest. This is especially true for raw mushrooms. Therefore only give your dog cooked mushrooms. Do not use any salt or other spices during preparation and only feed fresh mushrooms that you would also eat yourself. This is the only way you can be sure that the mushrooms are safe and easily digestible for your four-legged friend. If your dog generally suffers from digestive problems, refrain from feeding mushrooms.

Yes, can dogs eat mushrooms But;

Which mushrooms can dogs eat?

  • Edible mushrooms
  • Mushrooms
  • Boletus
  • Oyster mushrooms
  • Chanterelles
  • and all varieties that are also suitable for human consumption.

Vital and medicinal mushrooms

  • Shiitake
  • Maitake
  • Reishi mushrooms
  • Lion’s mane
  • King trumpet
  • Cordyceps

The mushrooms should always be cooked for the dog or given as tea. Please start with small amounts and do not give too much, especially of the medicinal mushrooms. Due to the bitter taste, many dogs do not particularly like the mushrooms, so they can be added to the food as a broth or sauce.

Those who cannot use fresh mushrooms should take the dried products from the supermarket. Please make sure, especially with mushrooms, that you buy them in organic quality for your dog. This is important because mushrooms absorb pollutants very well and can therefore be more polluted than other foods. If you buy untreated products, you can be sure that they are free of harmful substances and that you can still get as many of them out of the dog as possible.

Fresh products should be preferred to mushroom powder, extracts, capsules or tablets because they may contain valuable plant substances that can no longer be effective in the processed product. It could also be that the finished mushroom products have concentrations that are too high for the dog. That could overload the immune system. Therefore, it is best to use fresh products for the dog, this is easier and usually cheaper.

Mushrooms are considered healthy because they contain many important nutrients. The white or brown mushrooms consist of more than 90 percent water and are therefore a low-calorie food. Mushrooms are healthy for dogs primarily because of their high protein content, but also because of the vitamins and minerals they contain. Among other things, mushrooms contain:

  • Vitamin D
  • iron
  • B vitamins
  • zinc
  • magnesium

Can dogs eat mushroom soup?

Yes, dogs can eat mushroom soup. If you prepare the mushroom soup, it will be healthier for dogs. Here is the recipe for mushroom soup that dogs love.

Ingredients for Chicken Mushroom Soup Recipe

  • 2-3 boiled chicken drumsticks or breast meat
  • 10-12 mushrooms
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 4 tablespoons of flour
  • 4-5 tablespoons of oil
  • 1 glass of water Milk
  • 6 cups chicken stock
  • 1 glass of cold water
  • Salt

Chicken With Mushroom Soup Recipe for Dogs

Hello everyone 🙂 I’m here with a great soup recipe that is delicious and delicious. Try the mushroom soup with this recipe. Dogs love this recipe

First of all, we boil and chop our chicken meat. We separate the water for use in soup. A chop the onion for cooking. We either chop the carrot tiny or grate it and prepare it. Then chop the mushrooms to be tiny and thin and prepare them.

We put the oil, onion and carrot in the pot and start to roast. After a minute or two, we add the mushrooms. After roasting the mushrooms until they are soft, add two cloves of garlic. We fry another 4-5 seconds and add flour. We roast it for a minute or two, pour a glass of cold water and mix it quickly so that the flour is not lump. Then we add the chicken stock. Mixing our soup, we start cooking until the mushrooms and carrots are soft. We add a glass of milk close to cooking and add salt and pepper. We also put boiled and chopped chicken meat. If the consistency is too dark for you, you can add a little more water or chicken stock.

Can dogs eat shrimp? Is Shrimp Bad For Dogs?


Many people love fish, but most of the time it is even a little more expensive than meat. The advantage of fish in general and shrimp in particular is the high proportion of omega 3. It was scientifically proven a long time ago that omega 3 fatty acids are helpful and good for a balanced diet. But can dogs eat shrimp? Find out everything about shrimp in dogs and whether they are harmful to your dog in this blog.

Is Shrimp Bad For Dogs?

Can dogs eat shrimp?

Your dog will most likely find shrimp delicious too, but can dogs eat shrimp? As with humans, shrimp make a very good dietary addition and are a good source of vitamins and minerals. So, in principle, you can also give your dog shrimp to eat. On the one hand, however, you should pay attention to the amount, because too many shrimp can lead to nausea. On the other hand, you should always peel the prawns beforehand and serve them without spices or salt. Spices and especially salt are absolutely not suitable for dogs.

Can dogs eat cooked shrimp?

Shrimp are a healthy source of protein for both dogs and humans. However, this does not mean that they are always a completely safe option for your pet. Check with your veterinarian before feeding your dog shrimp to make sure this is a good option for your dog and for guidance on how much shrimp is okay.

Just as it is important not to give your dog’s bone meat, there is a risk of offering your dog a shrimp that contains the shell. Not only is the shell difficult for Fido to digest, it can also pose a choking hazard. There is also a possibility of cuts or other irritation in your dog’s mouth or throat.

Can dogs eat cooked shrimp?
Can dogs eat cooked shrimp?

You wouldn’t feed your pet raw chicken for fear of food-borne diseases like salmonella, and the same rules apply to raw shrimp. When offering shrimp to your dog, make sure they are properly prepared and fully cooked to avoid the risk of food poisoning or other illness.

You will also want to consider your dog’s specific health and nutritional needs before giving up shrimp. Dogs with overweight, diabetes, or circulatory problems should not be fed shrimp. Shrimp are high-cholesterol, fatty seafood that can lead to circulatory complications such as hyperlipidemia, which is characterized by high levels of lipids / fat in your pet’s blood. Of course, a small shrimp or two is unlikely to harm your pooch, but as a general rule of thumb, it is recommended that you maintain a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet for dogs dealing with such health problems. Other dogs that shrimp should be avoided are those with thyroid disease, as shellfish are a common source of iodine, which can worsen an existing condition.

Signs of an allergic reaction in dogs

  • Aggressive scratching of the skin or ear
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Vomit
  • diarrhea

Pet owners with dogs that are already sensitive or allergic should always be extra careful when introducing a food like shrimp – and keep in mind that, like humans, your dog can develop an allergy to seafood at any time in their life.

Serving shrimp to dogs

Not only do you need to remove the shell (and head, legs and tail) and only offer your dog the meat of fully cooked shrimp, but you also need to make sure that you don’t serve fried or deep-fried shrimp cooked in butter, oil or salt, which can be harmful to your pet. The safest, healthiest preparations for pooches are baked, boiled, or grilled shrimp.

Can dogs eat corn? Is Corn Good For Dogs?


We love corns. We even eat corn in the cinema, in the form of popcorn. But what is good for humans is by no means good for our dogs. Thus, today we are investigating the question: Can dogs eat corn? Let’s go to deep into our article for answers..

Is Corn Good For Dogs?

Corn for dogs is healthy and full of important nutrients. The yellow grains provide a lot of potassium and magnesium as well as vitamins A, B and E. Thanks to the many fibers, maize stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and promotes your dog’s digestion. Dietary fibers are indigestible fibers that bind water in the intestine and thus support bowel movement. The intestinal contents can then be transported more .

Psyllium husks for dogs are also very suitable to support the gastrointestinal tract. They are rich in fiber and have a particularly high swelling capacity, which has a positive effect on digestion and the feeling of hunger – which is an advantage for one or the other dog breed.

Can dogs eat corn cobs?

Corn is neither poisonous nor harmful to dogs, but it is difficult to digest. So, the corn cobs should not be fed to dogs whole. The four-legged friends cannot split the corn husk and make it accessible to the intestines. Otherwise the grains are excreted undigested in the same way. Also, dogs rarely chew on the small grains, they are more likely to be devoured directly.

So if you want to feed corn to dogs, you should use canned corn or corn flakes. While corn flakes are made to swell with warm water, canned corn would also have to be pureed. Only then can your four-legged friend digest the valuable ingredients of the grain well. The production of canned corn also promotes digestion because the corn is blanched and pasteurized so that it is soft and easier to split.

Fresh field corn for dogs, but, is not suitable as a snack between meals. It is sprayed with weed killers, fungicides and insecticides and often also with growth regulators. These agents are not only harmful to dogs, but also to mistress and masters. So stay away from field maize.

  • This is a type of corn that dogs can eat because it is small and there is no risk of suffocation.
  • If you do decide to feed your dog corn cobs , make sure they are normal.
  • Salt, butter, mayonnaise, and other common toppings will do your dog badly.
  • But, only feed in moderation.

Can dogs have corn on the cob?

Can dogs eat corn cobs?
Can dogs eat corn cobs?
  1. Your dog ate corn on the cob. Is it okay? Not really. Corn on the cob is not safe for dogs.
  2. Corn on the cob is the inedible part of an ear with a hard consistency.
  3. They have certain industrial uses and can be made into bedding or other products. But, they should not be consumed by humans or dogs.
  4. There is a risk of suffocation.
  5. If your dog eats the cob, such a large, solid mass can cause an intestinal blockage or obstruction.
  6. Yes, corn on the cob are pretty big, but that doesn’t mean your dog won’t swallow the whole thing!
  7. And even small pieces can tear on the walls of your dog’s digestive tract.
  8. dogs won’t necessarily know that the corn on the cob portion isn’t meant to be eaten. So it is best to avoid the corn on the cob entirely when feeding your dog corn.
  9. Instead, cut those cobs of corn and just feed them.

Can dogs eat corn? Yes, your dog can eat corn. But, he can’t have a whole ear or corn from the big field.

Don’t give your dog too much of it, as allergies can develop. Also feed with cornmeal should not be on his menu all the time. So, make sure to use a high-quality dog food without corn.

If you offer him the corn apart from bought feed (e.g. through BARF), you have to puree the corn, otherwise he would simply excrete the grains again.

Never give your dog corn cakes or other industrial products made from corn. There are always too many spices that he cannot tolerate!

Can dogs eat popcorn? Is Popcorn Safe For Dogs?


Can dogs eat popcorn? Dogs should get their own food and not get used to being fed constantly. Outside of eating hours, food can be used as a reward when your dog is good, but not all foods are suitable. Popcorn is nutritious, but it is seasoned with a lot of salt or sugar, which is harmful to the intestinal health of your friend. Too much of it can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, or poisoning!

Can my dog eat popcorn?

Yes, dogs can eat popcorn but; We should pay attention to some tips;

  • If it has to be popcorn, at least make it yourself with no salt or sugar.
  • It should not be forgotten that there is also a risk of suffocation in small dogs if the corn kernels get stuck in their throats and cannot be swallowed.
  • The grains that have not burst can also get stuck in the teeth or airways.
  • And a few popcorn every now and then?
  • The ideal case is to teach the dog not to beg with its owners at the table while eating. But it is often very difficult to resist.
  • Dogs can be very persuasive and with their loyal gaze insistently beg until they get a bite. If you don’t give your dog anything, you feel bad, you feel sorry for yourself, and you think that a little sure can’t hurt.

Is Popcorn Safe For Dogs?

As a rule, popcorn is not harmful to your dog. However, there are exceptions. If your dog suffers from an allergy to corn, you should definitely avoid popcorn. In addition, popcorn contains corn kernels that have not been popped up. These collect at the bottom of the popcorn bowl.

Your dog can choke on the unpopped corn kernels. They can get stuck in the throat or windpipe. This is especially dangerous for smaller dogs.The hard shells of the corn kernels also tend to get caught in the teeth. There they can cause inflammation of the gums. Commercial popcorn and microwave popcorn are unsuitable for dogs.

Is Popcorn Safe For Dogs?
Is Popcorn Safe For Dogs?

Easy popcorn recipe

  1. You can make popcorn for your dog in any pot that has a lid.
  2. It is best to choose a pot that seems way too big to you. You have to keep in mind that the popped corn kernels take up a lot more space than the raw corn kernels.
  3. Cover the bottom of your pot with the corn and add the oil. Then close the pot with the lid and heat it.
  4. First set the stove to the highest setting. As soon as the first kernels of corn pop, reduce the heat a little. This means that the corn does not burn on the ground. After a few seconds, all of the corn kernels should be popped up.
  5. Make sure to keep the lid closed so that the popcorn doesn’t pop out of the pot. As soon as significantly less popcorn pops, take the pan off the stove.