Dog Obedience Tips: How to Effectively Train Your Dog


Dog obedience tips are a treasure trove of ideas on how to teach your dog to obey, approach when called, do tricks, follow commands. Etc. Training your dog is necessary not only for your pet but also for you and your family. Having a well-trained dog can be a source of pride to the owner. If you are looking for ways on how to train your pet, read on for some dog obedience tips to get you started on the right track.

How to Effectively Train Your Dog

  1. Do not be too commanding or too strict when teaching your pet to obey. Animals can get frustrated too and would react negatively to any harsh approach. Respect your pet’s behavior without being too lenient.
  2. An important part of dog training is giving rewards or praises. This will inspire your pet to follow your instructions and is a good way to develop good habits in her.
  3.  In line with the second dog obedience tip, do not punish your pet during training. It is better to let her understand which is good by praising her good behavior.
  4.  In extreme cases when your pet just won’t behave or pay attention to you. You can penalize her not by hitting her but by simply ignoring her. Dogs don’t like being ignored and this makes them feel guilty.
  5. Allot a certain time of the day to train your dog and make it a routine for both of you until your pet’s habits and behavior is fully developed.

The above Dog obedience tips are merely a guide for you to get started. To be successful in training your pet, you must have a lot of patience. Do not lose hope easily even if you are trying to teach an adult dog. Remember, your pet can learn what you want her to learn as long as you have the right approach and provide the right motivation.

These Dog obedience tips help you train your pet to behave in an acceptable manner around you, other people and other animals as well. The process of teaching your pet should not be a stressful one, instead it should be enjoyable and an opportunity to build up your relationship with your pet.

Come, sit, stand, no, yes, well done, off. Do not be too commanding or too strict when teaching your pet to obey. Animals can get frustrated too and would react negatively to any harsh approach. Respect your pet’s behavior without being too lenient.
Need fo you average 6 weeks for an obedince. The above Dog obedience tips are merely a guide for you to get started. To be successful in training your pet, you must have a lot of patience.
An important part of dog training is giving rewards or praises. This will inspire your pet to follow your instructions and is a good way to develop good habits in her.

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