Is gum dangerous for dogs?


Is gum dangerous for dogs? If you feed dogs at home, you may want to place your sugar-free gums in a closet where your dog can’t easily find them. Because the US Food and Drug Administration warns that sweeteners, commonly known as sugar-free gums, also known as xylitol, are poisonous to dogs.

Sweeteners, sugar-free and mint-flavored candies, chewable vitamins, mouth rinse water, toothpaste and peanut butter is also available. Toxicologist Dr. Pet Poison Helpline In addition to these products. Ahna Brutlag announced that some medicines, skin lotions and nasal sprays also contain xylitol.

Is gum dangerous for dogs? OF course ! Beause ; Xylitol poisoning can cause vomiting, fatigue, dizziness and seizures. Consumption of xyliton is a life hazard for dogs . Because it disrupts blood sugar balance because dogs digest sweeteners faster than humans do. Xylitol is rapidly transferred into the bloodstream, causing the pancreas to secrete too much insulin, causing dogs to drop blood sugar.

This condition, called hypoglycemia, can be triggered by xylitol consumption in 10 minutes to 1 hour. While in some cases it can take up to 24 hours for symptoms to be observed. Xylitol poisoning is fatal. However, many dogs can be saved by early treatment.

It is not yet known whether xylitol is toxic to cats. But the US Department of Medicine and Food said that they were not worried about this, and that cats did not like to eat dessert, so they could be considered safe, at least in part.  What should dogs eat or What Not To Feed Dogs ?

harmful food for dogs

This is a list of foods that are poisonous to dogs, causing serious health problems in dogs.

  • Chocolate
  • Onion and garlic
  • Alcohol
  • Bone
  • Sugar, candy and chewing gum
  • Citrus fruits and other stone fruits
  • Milk

Chocolate is perhaps the most known poison food for dogs. It contains theobromine, which can be extremely toxic to sweet animals and especially small animals, which are highly popular among humans. Onions and garlic are often used in our meals, and most veterinarians recommend that these food residues not be given to pets. These similar foods are dangerous because they can cause anemia and various respiratory diseases.

Alcohol is a harmful drink even for people. It will be very dangerous to give alcohol to our pets as they have deadly effects on the inner organs of our furry friends. It is our responsibility as dog owners to take care of this. In spite of the widespread appearance of a bone in the mouth of dogs, this is actually very dangerous. The risk of choking, indigestion and injury to poultry, especially through the penetrating bones of needles, is very high.

If you want to reward your dog with a bone, go to a pet shop and buy him a bone-shaped food made with natural, healthy food. There is a wide variety of foods specially designed for this.

Sugar, candy and chewing gum

You must definitely prevent your dog from eating sugar. Giving sugar to a dog can cause serious health problems that can go as far as blindness or diabetes. If your dog swallows a chewing gum, the danger becomes even greater because it contains xylitol.

Citrus fruits and other stone fruits

In general, citrus fruits are harmful to dogs, but orange and lemon are even more harmful because they contain psoralen. Since dogs are acidic, they avoid these fruits.

Among the seed fruits, you should pay particular attention to the fruits that contain cyanide as well as the risk of asphyxiation, especially melon and apricot.


Only people can drink milk even during adulthood. The enzymes that allow us to digest milk are not present in dogs, so you should not give your pets food and drinks containing lactose.

Many more items can be added to this list. Therefore, the best thing to do is to ask your vet what food is appropriate for your pets. You should give them food especially for animals

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