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Iguana Health Problems


We should care for our pets for a healthy and comfortable life. Although animals far from their natural habitats live longer, we cannot say that they will get sick less.Like all pets, iguanas have their share of health problems. Some of these include bladder stones, mites, and egg binding. Here’s a look at some of the most common iguana health problems.

Bladder Stones

Urine contains minerals that are supposed to be broken down naturally. If instead it accumulates, stones may develop in the urinary bladder. This usually causes symptoms such as lethargy and straining during urination. If the stones get too long, the abdomen may swell in response. The veterinarian will have to perform an x-ray to determine if bladder stones are indeed the problem. Upon successful diagnosis, surgery is required to extract the stone.

Egg Binding is an iguana health problem

One of the next common iguana health problems is egg binding. This potentially life-threatening condition affects females and occurs when they can’t expel an egg from their reproductive tract. Egg binding can occur due to various illnesses, malnutrition, or eggs that are too large or malformed. Again, an x-ray is required to diagnose the problem. The two main methods of treatment include surgery and medication.  iguana health problems  about  detailed information


Mites are external parasites that live on your iguana. If they are left untreated, they can cause more serious problems. They can also infect your other pets if you have any. You may notice little brown, red, or white specs moving around. In addition to treating your iguana, you will also need to treat the surrounding environment so the problem doesn’t recur.


All iguanas need a source of heat and light. However, heat lamps and light bulbs can also burn your lizard if he’s not too careful. Therefore, you need to install a protective device when using light bulbs or heat lamps to prevent burns.

Nose Abrasions

Nose abrasions are one of the final common iguana health problems. This occurs when your pet repeatedly bumps up against the walls of the enclosure trying to get out. Over time, this causes abrasions to form on the nose. This can sometimes can serious and permanent injuries.

How To Choose the Best Dog Breed For your Lifestyle


Are you in the market for a new puppy or new dog for your home ? Do you know what breed or type of dog that you are looking for?  If not then you will need to allocate some time to think about what you are looking for in your ideal dog and what you can provide this pet as well. How To Choose the Best Dog Breed For your Lifestyle?  What I mean is that there are certain dog breeds that do not require much attention and maintenance and in turn do not expect much affection or bonding to take place with this type of breed. I know you are probably saying who would want such a distant relationship with their pet?

The answer shouldn’t come as a shock yo you as those who travel frequently, don’t spend much time at home, or those that are just looking for someone to keep them company when they do happen to be home.Fortunately, there are methods in which you can limit your alternatives rather, making the entire thing a lot much easier.


Ok, let’s keep this real the first thing you should consider over anything else and even over monetary considerations should be how much area do you have and how much territory are you willing to share with your new dog. I know that may have come out the wrong way, but many new dog owners are not willing to share certain rooms or areas of their home with their pets. This will be fine as long as you establish these boundaries right from the start and not confusing your pet that it is okey one day to be in your bedroom but not the next day. Dogs are really systematic so if you let them sleep on the bed with you one day they will assume that it is okay and want to sleep on your bed with you every night.

If you stay in a loft or small apartment there is little reason or incentive to wanting to commit to getting a big dog . That will require and take up a great deal of space and might likewise require a great deal of work and time. For living locations with a restricted area, think about the Toy group of pets such as the Terrier Group or Mini Pinscher. Likewise the expense of keeping your pet dog ought to be examined. Huge pets might consume substantial quantities of food whereas smaller sized canines will certainly consume hardly any in contrast

The Best Dog Breed For your Lifestyle

Spend some time doing a rough on the expense for numerous pet food types over a twelve-month duration. If you don’t have time to go shopping. There are many online pet stores that will ship the dog food directly to your front door but this will come with a hefty price tag to it. So that should be taken to consideration if you are on a limited budget. If you are not on a budget skip this section and just go the online route. And have them deliver it on a set schedule that fits your needs. Consider and factor into your budget routine check-ups and visits to the veterinarian for shots, worming and so on. You will certainly see that bigger canines require more medical attention and are lot more costly to keep.

If you have kids, you might wish to consider exactly what canine type would fit in and mesh best with them. Youngsters can be rather heavy-handed with animals in some cases; getting a Chihuahua, for instance, might not be such a great idea as they are fragile animals. Likewise, having a Great Dane or Saint Bernard marauding around your home might be hazardous for a youngster.  And have put careful thought about the impact that your new pet will have on your home and children.

When selecting your pet, have a look at the larger photo. Attempt to withstand the temptation to choose the prettiest, cuddliest, charming pet you can discover. Consider your way of life, your house, your household and look for a canine type that fits finest with your life. After all, your brand-new canine will certainly be sharing your life with you for several years to come so ensuring. That you are both pleased is a vital thing to think about.

When Do Newly Born Kittens Actually See The World?


The offspring, born blind and deaf, weighs about one hundred grams. He is lied to by his mother and gets rid of the membrane on him, heats up and is warned. When Do Kittens see,  This will allow the pup to find its feeding breasts. Unable to regulate body temperature until 3 weeks of age, the puppy leans on its mother’s belly to absorb the milk containing many antibodies and hugs her well and warmly. A few days later, she will suckle milk from her mother while feeding, which will take a third of her time in the first month. Within 5 weeks, he will be able to move and his senses will develop as he spends his time sucking, playing and sleeping.

 How do cats see things?

How do cats see things,  Witnessing the miracle of birth can perhaps be the greatest and the most incredible things on earth. Unlike humans, animals are more self-sufficient and manage the birth of their little ones on their own. However, you as a cat owner would love to take proper care of your cat during her pregnancy.  When Do Kittens see,  At the time of birth, newly born kittens resemble delicate balls of soft fur and are very tiny. They depend solely on their mother for new born kitten care which includes food, nourishment, and protection.

Newly born kittens are unable to walk or move around and stick to their mother for a while. For the first few days after birth, they spend most of the time nursing or sleeping. At the time of birth of the kittens, their ears are folded back against the head and eyes are closed. In other words, they are virtually deaf and blind. As a cat owner, all you can do to keep them warm and safe is to see to it that you provide a secure place for the cat and her kittens to live in.

Make sure that there are no such items in the vicinity that can harm the kittens once they start moving around. When they first come into the world, they are very weak and can barely crawl around their mother. This makes it easier for the mother to be around for her kittens and nurse them in her litter. Once they gain a bit of strength, they are able to walk about. Cats are born with extremely sensitive ears and during the first few weeks of life, ears are drawn back to protect them from loud noises.

When Do Kittens See

Kittens also have a very sensitive nose and gifted with a great sense of smell, which is their only contact with the world around them when they are just born. They can easily smell and identify their mother and people around them and make hissing sounds if they smell something new. This is also a way of alerting their mother of the approaching danger. Kittens take quite some time to open their eyes . And the time taken will actually depend on the length of their fur. A long haired kitten will usually take a longer time to open his eyes as compared to a kitten with short hair.

How do cats see things,While some short haired kittens may be able to see things for the first time in about five to eight days only after their birth, others with long hair may take as long as 10 to 14 days to open their eyes. Most cat owners panic when they realize that some of the newly born kittens are yet to open their eyes. Each kitten varies in the amount of time it takes for its development. And it is normal if a kitten takes a day or two longer than others. Some kittens may not open both its eyes simultaneously . And it takes several weeks for kittens to actually develop the special eyesight all cats are gifted with. So, have patience with your new born kitten care and allow the kitten to take its own sweet time to grow and actually start exploring the world around.

Choosing Toys For Your Kitten Or Cat


All kittens are born with the urge to attack things. This innate pouncing reaction sharpens her natural predatory behavior. If you make sure your kitten or cat has lots of good quality toys, he or she will learn this natural behavior early and stay mentally and physically healthy and happy .You can help keep your cat active while protecting his or her health by picking the right kitten toys. Choosing Toys For a cat is very enjoyable work.

There are some things that are too dangerous for your cat to play with. Everyone thinks of a ball of yarn, but this tempting toy along with rubber bands, strings, and twine aren’t safe. The cat could try to swallow these toys, which could end up in surgery to remove it from the intestines.

Choosing Toys For Cat

Look around each room and “cat proof” it just as if you would baby proof it for an infant. If the electrical cords are tempting you cat into stalking the “snake”, you will need to invest in cord protectors to prevent his or her chewing on the cords and severely burning the mouth or fatally electrocuting him or her.

Other common household objects, such as buttons or foil, can also be dangerous if they end up in your cat’s stomach, possibly causing a perforation or blockage. Clean up other objects, such as chemical containers, cleaning products or other toxic substances.

You will probably find that your cat wants to stalk your fingers and toes. To prevent nasty scratches and bites, buy a soft stuffed toy to use to play with him or her. You cat can “attack” without scratching you or learning to be aggressive with people.

Of course your cat enjoys chasing balls and pouncing on stuffed toys, but cats like to play with their human family the most. You can easily buy interactive toys for this type of play choices, but be careful not to leave them out after play sessions to keep him or her from loosing interest in it. Some interactive toy suggestions include a fishing pole that has a feather or ball at the end of the string. As you dangle it around, your cat will love to jump, slap, and pounce on this elusive target. You can use balls or toy mice for cat to have him or her chase it each time you roll it across the room. Make sure they are big enough that they can’t be swallowed.

Enjoyful Toys For Cats

Catnip infused toys are popular. The chemical in it causes neurological stimulation in cats, but it will vary with each cat. Some will become excited and more active, but others may begin rubbing, rolling, and stretching or licking themselves. Often, they will want to take a nap or get a snack, ending your play session.

Normal, healthy cats will want to scratch. This helps remove the outer layers of their claws and marks their territory. If your cat has not been de-clawed on his or her front paws, a scratching post is a must have to save your carpet and furniture. You will find many kinds of scratching posts, such as twine wound around a post and or carpet models. Since every cat is different, you may need to test the kitten toys before you find the best kitten toys one for your cat.

How to House Train A New Puppy


House train a new puppy can be a frustrating experience and it is often the least favorite part for any new owner. However, properly house training a new puppy will not only help keep your house clean, but also build the bond of trust between you and your new pet. We all love smart and loyal dogs that are people’s close friends. What about home-feeding? You may be planning on getting a cute or cute puppy into your home. Maybe your friend’s dog, which he can no longer look after, will live with you from now on. Whether you’re a puppy or an adult, you need a little work to do to get your dog into his new home.

To help your puppy along, here are 4 tips for house training your new puppy:

  1. Train A New Puppy  – Remain calm, assertive, and patient.

It is important to know that most puppies are not fully house trained until they are 6 months old, and it may take even longer for larger breeds. They also typically need to relieve themselves every 30 to 45 minutes. Although this will vary between puppies and other factors. In most cases, they will need to relieve themselves after waking up, drinking water, eating food, and vigorously playing. You will need to be calm, assertive, and patient as you learn the puppy’s schedule. And tailor it to a house training routine.

      2. Keep house training and cleaning supplies handy.

When house training your puppy, you will need to keep the essentials stocked. You will need cleaners for handling fecal. And urine stains, paper and/or Train A New Puppy pads for lining a crate or room, paper towels, and treats. You should also keep collars and leashes handy for when you need to rush your puppy outside.  

  1. Designate potty areas.

 When house training your puppy, be sure to choose specific areas for the puppy to relieve itself as needed. If the area is inside, such as in a crate or room, be sure to line it with papers or Train A New Puppy as needed. If it is outside, be sure to bring your puppy to one spot in particular to prevent the entire yard from being used.

  1. Bring your puppy to the designated potty areas regularly.

For up to about 3 months, you should pick up your puppy and carry it to specific potty areas after it wakes up, eats, drinks, plays, and before it is put to bed. Carrying it in your arms will prevent accidents from happening along the way . And show your puppy exactly where it needs to go. If you catch the puppy peeing, you can still pick it up and bring it to the specified spot. But ; do so calmly as not to associate the action with discipline. If the puppy is defecating, it is better to let it finish. Because it will not be able to just stop. Whenever the puppy goes where you want it to, be sure to praise it heavily.

No matter how much progress you make with your puppy, there may be accidents because it does not have full control over the bladder. This is not the puppy’s fault, so it is important to never scold or discipline it. When it makes a mistake because it is a natural bodily function. However, with these 4 tips for house training your new puppy, you should be able to make the process less stressful for both you and your new pet.

How to Pick a Goldfish


Installing your first home goldfish aquarium can be an exciting venture. Of course you want it to look impressive to visitors, but you also want to make sure that you are populating your aquarium with good goldfish. How to pick a goldfish,  What characteristics define a good goldfish? Good health is important. Adult size is important with respect to aquarium size. Beauty and activeness is paramount. Compatibility with other types of goldfish is also important if you are planning upon maintaining a variety of goldfish. Nowadays, it has been a hobby to live in an aquarium as an amateur in many homes. Generally, the most preferred aquarium organisms are fish.

To understand that your aquarium cleaning process is perfect, you need to know what a clean aquarium looks like. The water of a clean aquarium must first be clean and clear. An aquarium in need of attention, with remnants of feces and feces at its bottoms, exhausted fish floating in turbid water and other aquatic creatures, offers nothing but grind to both the creatures inside and you. You must have a gold fish keeper for aquarium cleaning of gold fish.

How To Choose Goldfish That Are Healthy

How to pick a goldfish,If you purchase your goldfish from a reliable and respected dealer, health is not generally a problem. Most disease and illnesses in goldfish are related directly to their environment and care. Most goldfish that are maintained in a clean well aerated aquarium. And provided with adequate and appropriate food will live their expected life spans in good health. Some goldfish have life spans approaching twenty years.

The maximum expected adult size of the fish is extremely important with respect to the size of the aquarium and the number of fish that you intend to actually have living in it.

Best Aquarium For Your Goldfish

As your aquarium grows in size and you begin adding other types of fish, it’s important that you know enough about each goldfish type that you select fish that are compatible with each other and with your ability to care for them. If you’re inexperienced with goldfish and aquariums, your first goldfish should be those that are easy to care for like the hardy. And extremely active Common goldfish, the beautiful Fantail goldfish, orf the Japanese Shubunkin goldfish. It’s important that you do not integrate extremely aggressive goldfish into the mix. As the other fish may not be able to compete for the available food.

When you first decide to start a goldfish aquarium. You’ll be overwhelmed with the many variations of goldfish that are available: Comets, Shubunkins, Fantails, Pearlscale, Oranda, Ryukin, Vail Tail, Lionhead, and my personal favorite Bubble Eye are but a small sample. Most are incredibly beautiful, and all are interesting to watch. There are those with single tails, those with double tails, and those with or without dorsal fins. Before you plan the population of your aquarium, learn about each of the dozen or so fish that are available. Study their feeding and environmental needs.

How to Pick a Goldfish

There are many charts available that rate the compatibility of goldfish with regard to their interaction with other fish and their environmental requirements. Some fish are aggressive and can injure their aquarium mates. Some feed upon food flakes drifting on the surface of the water, while others are bottom feeders.  Hardy goldfish can withstand large temperature variations, while others require a very narrow range of controlled temperature in order to survive. And each type of fish has a specific adequate swimming space requirement measured in cubic feet of water.

It’s clear from the information given above that the term “good goldfish” is in reality the “appropriate goldfish” for the specific aquarium and environment available to it. With a little bit of forethought and planning.  You can create yourself a beautiful aquarium populated with an assortment of healthy, contented . And appropriate goldfish that will provide you with years of pleasure.

Cat Fleas : Diagnosing And Tackling The Infestation


The cat flea is somewhat different from dog fleas and stick tight fleas. Although it’s primary host is the cat, it can infest dogs, opossums, rabbits, humans, and other carnivores. Typically, the adult fleas feed off the blood of the host animal through bites and deposit fecal material that the larvae feed from until adulthood. You may see tiny bits of what looks like dirt, but it is actually “flea dirt” or the fecal matter.

Symptoms of cat fleas on your pet will obviously be scratching since the bites itch. If there are only a few fleas your adult dog or cat, it will cause very little harm. In some cases the pet may be allergic to substances in the flea’s saliva. If this occurs, it will result in a condition called flea allergy dermatitis. Typically, it will look like dry patches of skin that may loose hair due to scratching the irritating bite. If the animal is small and has a large cat flea infestation, it can lose enough blood to cause anemia. Like human anemia, symptoms would include lethargy and could lead to death if the fleas infestation is not treated. Cat fleas can also transmit diseases and other parasites such as the tapeworm.  This is a bacteria that causes diseases such as Carrion’s disease, trench fever, and cat scratch fever.


Treating your pet for cat fleas can be a daunting task. There are so many commercially prepared products that making a choice is overwhelming. Chemicals can be dangerous to the environment and many do not want to put these chemicals on their beloved family pet. Some animals can not tolerate these treatments and become ill when they are exposed. There are several home remedies that can help repel fleas from your home and pet.

cat fleas infestation

One such remedy is placing small sprigs of black walnut leaves beneath your couches and beds to repel fleas from coming into the home. Cedar leaves work well also. Making a home made garlic oil can also help to keep them off the pet as they venture into the great outdoors. There are health hazards to ask your vet about before trying this on cats.

Although dogs can eat small amounts of garlic, cats should not eat it. Garlic has been touted to repel fleas, but science has not confirmed that it works. Generally, it is the oil that smothers the fleas as you rub it into the pet’s coat. Supposedly, the garlic then makes the animal repugnant to future bites from fleas. If you make homemade garlic oil, it should be used fresh and not stored for later use as it is prone to grow the bacteria that causes botulism.

Since cats are more sensitive to essential oils, ask your vet which home made remedy would be safe for your cat’s fleas infestation. There are also commercially prepared garlic oil capsules that can be broken apart to be rubbed into the coat so that you can save yourself the trouble of making it at home and worrying about it spoiling as you store it.

Cat fleas can be an aggravating problem for any pet owner of dogs or cats. With diligent prevention methods, you may never have to treat for an infestation. However, if you do have to treat a pet with flea symptoms, make sure to use the appropriate product for you pet since cats and dogs can not be treated with the same products.

Parakeet training


I will try to tell you how the parakeet is educated and talked out from my own experiences. bird birds should definitely be a baby bird. I also recommend the bird to be male. Male birds are both more docile and more prone to education. How to train a parakeet, Female birds are a bit more cheeky and cranky. or a stud I will share a post that will tell you visually. Let’s move on to the training.
In addition, in relation toparakee , bird sex discrimination, whether the parakeet nestling or breeding (adult), parakeet Production in the home environment can be found in the following links.

Parakeet training;
Let’s say we got the man and the bird that jumped out of the nest. When we come home to get used to our bird environment 1, 2 days do not disturb. The bird will run away at the beginning, but the baby birds get tired quickly and surely will come to your finger. While we are in the cage, we repeat this process 2 to 3 times a day at certain times of the day. Now you can take your bird out of the cage. We repeat the same operations outside your cage to come to your finger. Take your feed while you’re out of the cage, this will increase your confidence.

That being said, they are not simply birds meant to view like canaries or finches. You can interact with your parakeet and train it to a degree. They certainly may never rival an African Grey’s conversational ability or the complex tricks that can be taught to cockatoos and macaws. But you may be surprised as to what these birds can be taught to do with enough time and patience.

Dog Obedience Tips: 10 Things You Must Avoid When Training Your Dog


If there are things you must enforce while training your pet, there are also things you must be careful to avoid. Here are ten dog obedience tips on the don’ts of dog training. All dogs are similar to the owner, so dogs with behavioral disorders should start treatment from the owner. In order to correct the negative behavior characteristics created in the dog by the owner consciously or unconsciously, the owner’s faulty behaviors must be identified, informed about the reflections of the dog’s psychology and informed about what they should do.

In the treatment of behavioral disorders in the dog, it falls to the owner of the biggest duty, the person who will spend the most time with the dog and the dog to be the model is naturally the owner, so the person who needs to be trained is the owner. It is inevitable that an adolescent who is tried to be educated with beating and brute force during his childhood at home or school tries to train his dog in this way.

The 10 most common dog training mistakes

1. Don’t expect too much, too soon. Training your pet will take time so don’t expect her to sit, stay, and roll over on command after a few days’ session.

2. Don’t introduce corrections too soon. Correcting your pet during the early stages of your training is detrimental to her progress. A good Dog obedience tip is to issue rewards for every achievement instead.

3. Don’t give up. Again, as training your pet takes time, just be patient and don’t think your pet untrainable just because she is slow to pick up.

4. Don’t be inconsistent. Sometimes, your pet will have difficulty trying to figure out what you really want her to learn if you are inconsistent. If you don’t want your pet to eliminate in a certain spot, an effective Dog obedience tip is: be consistent in enforcing this rule.

5. Don’t reinforce bad behavior. To your pet, affection is a reward. Your pet will associate her behavior with your reward. So you have to be careful when showing affection at the wrong moment.

Dog Obedience Tips

6. Don’t fail to practice. You cannot train your dog round the clock (you also have a life!) but you will always have time to practice.

Here is a Dog obedience tip: Incorporate training in everything your dog does: she must sit before she can eat, she must stay before she can go out, and so on.

7. Don’t correct for good behavior. Remember that your pet will associate reward or punishment to the act that preceded it.

8. Don’t maintain the wrong state of mind. Your pet will mimic you as much she could. If you are anxious, so is she and if you are confident, she will be as well. A good Dog obedience tip is for you to be happy.  When training your pet for her to be happy as well.

9. Don’t forget that your dog needs exercise. Your dog’s pent up energy could lead to a behavior.  You won’t like so make sure that your pet has plenty of exercise.

10. Don’t neglect to establish your dominance as pack leader. No Dog obedience tips will be effective if you can’t make yourself known to your pet as the alpha-dog.

Dog Aggression Training For All Dogs


Having problems with your dog’s behavior? Any behavior in dogs shown with the intent to cause harm like growling, barking and biting is a sign of canine aggression. There are also some canine behaviors that are less perceived as signs of aggression because they don’t appear threatening like blocking paths and lunging at people. Maybe You thought dog aggression training is very very hard, this some true some false.

Dog Aggression Training

There are different reasons why dogs become aggressive like fear, dominance, territorial aggression, etc. When dogs feel threatened or when they think that their territory is being intruded upon, they become aggressive. Before starting on a dog aggression training for your pet, it is important to determine the real cause of this behavior. For proper diagnosis, you may consult a professional dog trainer or a vet.

Stopping aggression in dogs doesn’t follow a definite path. Because the problem must be tackled according to what causes it and how severe it has become. In case your dog’s aggressive behavior become unmanageable, prioritize your and your family’s safety first.

How can you nip your dog’s behavior problems in the bud?

Program in accordance to the extent and type of your pet’s aggression. You must keep in mind that this behavioral modification program should be implemented patiently, gradually and consistently over time.

Patience and understanding are tools you must have as your dog’s trainer. Do not expect too much from your pet and try to understand why he is behaving that way. Lessen your dog’s territorial and fear aggression by allowing him to socialize a bit.

Never physically punish your dog for every aggressive behavior he shows. Inflicting pain will aggravate the problem and will make your dog even more aggressive. Know the reason why your dog barks, growls or snaps. It may not be because he simply wants to do.

Keep in mind that a dog is not born aggressive, some instances, experiences or situations in his life made him that way. It is your responsibility as an owner to protect your dog and other people by seeking assistance.