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Puppy Care | Raising Your Puppy


The prospect of getting a new puppy can be both exciting and frightening. As they present not only a great deal of fun and a rewarding relationship with a stalwart companion. But also a challenge for your patience and your entire household. All of which can be overcome with a level head and steady nerves. And with a little persistence you can train a puppy to be a happy, healthy, and well-behaved dog. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the various ways people train their puppies. As well as what you’ll need in order to properly puppy care for your animal.

Raise Your Puppy to Be a Confident

Puppy care generally dictates having a certain amount of patience. Especially when it comes to accidents inside the house,. And chewing up things that shouldn’t be chewed up. This behavior can usually be curbed with negative reinforcement, which involves scolding your puppy when you catch him in the act of doing something he shouldn’t be doing. If you get there after the carnage has taken place, then scolding him will do little good and you will simply have to find another way to stop the behavior. If he wrecks the house while you are gone.  For example, try dog proofing the room he is kept in and spraying a bitter solution or even something like curry on the things that can’t be moved, like furniture.

Proper puppy care also means that you should know how to feed your dog. Puppies tend to eat roughly two percent of their body weight every day until they are six months old, and can be fed once or twice a day. Since they eat so much, they do about an equal amount of pooping. And taking them out a few times a day, especially after they’ve eaten, is a good way to avoid accidents in the house.

The Complete Guide To Raising A Puppy

Try spending time with your puppy outside about an hour after feeding to encourage him to go outside, and if he does, reward him with praise or a food treat.

There are lots of aspects of puppy care that must be considered before trying to raise one. And many of them are specific to the breed and the personality of your particular puppy. However, having a little knowledge beforehand will help you predict the behavior of your dog. And getting to know your puppy will make this even easier.

How To Iguana Proof A House ? Iguana Proofing


If you’re going to let your pet iguana free-roam, it’s a good idea to iguana proof a house. He can cause a lot of damage if you don’t. Also, he can easily get hurt if you don’t remove potential hazards. Here are a few things you need to do to iguana proof a house.

  How To Iguana Proof A House 

What is the best environment for iguana, How to make the best home for them? You certainly don’t want your lizard to escape. If you have a baby, then you’ll need to barricade the bottom of the doorways. He can easily escape beneath one of the doors in the room if you don’t.

You also need to make sure that all windows are closed shut. Iguanas love to climb and will quickly escape outside through a cracked window. You should also be aware that screens aren’t enough to contain them. Their sharp claws and teeth can easily create an escape route.

Cords for iguana 

It’s best that you don’t have any electrical cords lying around the room, especially live ones. You don’t want your iguana to bite through one and get the shock of his life. Even if he doesn’t try to bite the cord, he can try to climb it. He may pull something down on top of him and get hurt.


Live plants can also pose a hazard to your reptile. Some varieties are very toxic if ingested. You’ll need to research potentially harmful species if you have any plants in your home. In addition to the plants themselves, the dirt that houses them can also cause problems. If your iggie eats too much of it, it can cause impaction.

how to Cleanliness

You’ll also need to make sure that you keep the room very tidy. This means nothing lying around on the floor that your iguana may decide to eat. Potentially hazardous items include string, cloth, and hair. Make sure the carpet is vacuumed well. You should also be aware that loose threads in the carpet can be ingested and cause impaction.


It’s never a good idea to mix these exotic pets with other pets in the home. Iguanas don’t get along very well with cats, dogs, and other common pets. If you do allow them to be around each other, you should do so only occasionally. And even then, you need to monitor them closely to ensure one doesn’t get hurt.

4 Simple Methods For Goldfish Care


Feeding animals at home is an enjoyable task. Feeding fish is more peaceful than other animals. You can relax your soul by watching the variety of fishes swim in the water with their vibrant and beautiful colors. Like every living fish, the fish also expect attention and attention. There are a few simple methods you should be aware of for goldfish care. Here are 4 of them for you, already convenience!  which Simple Methods For Goldfish care ?

Do goldfish bite?

Goldfish have teeth (called Pharyngeal teeth) but they are at the back of their mouth so getting bitten is not likely to happen. If their mouth was to come in contact with your finger or hand, the most they could do is suck or ‘kiss’ it. Remember, goldfish are very small and so their teeth will only be tiny too! Any contact would be painless.

How often should you clean your tank?

You should change the water in your tank once a week, which will keep ammonia levels down, help to increase oxygen in the tank and also cleans away any waste that has built up from the week before.

Can more than one goldfish live together?

This will depend on the size of your tank. Ideally one goldfish should have at least 10 gallons (approx 45 litres) of water to live comfortably. If you wanted to give him a friend you would need to increase the size of your tank by adding another 10 gallons — this ensures that there’s enough oxygen for each fish.

You will need to be careful when deciding on whether or not to get your goldfish a new companion, as combining different goldfish varieties can lead to problems. These problems can be anything from goldfish bullying, stress, and the smaller / slower goldfish may not feed properly. It is essential that you keep goldfish of the same type, size and speed in the same aquarium.

Do goldfish like being handled?

Your goldfish may swim towards your hand if you’re in the process of feeding fish, but you should avoid touching them at all times. They may be comfortable to swim around your hand or finger, and take food from you but try not to let them touch you. Even the slightest of touches against the goldfish’s skin can cause damage. The slimy coating that protects them from bacteria and toxins is there for a reason, any any contact could potentially upset this which in some cases can be life threatening to the fish.

By all means interact with your goldfish, and play with them (sensibly) — just avoid brushing against their skin and scaring them.

Can I Find A Dog That Likes Cats-What dogs can live with cats?


If you already have a cat (or maybe you have more than one cat) and would like to add a pet dog to your family, you may be wondering , What dogs can live with cats?

It may seem that this would be a relatively easy question to answer, but like people, animals have all different temperaments – some are common to a particular breed, but each will also have personality traits all its own. This makes it just a little bit tougher to say specifically what breed of dog will – and what breed of dog won’t – get along with your cat.

What Dogs Can Live With Cats?

There are certainly some breeds of dog that are not terribly cat-friendly. Included in the list would be most terriers, like the Jack Russell, the Westie, the Scottie, and the Cairn; Spitzes, which include Huskies, Akitas, Chows, Keeshonds, and Pomeranians among others; and Sight Hounds, such as Afghans, Irish Wolfhounds, Greyhounds, Scottish Deerhounds and Whippets. This of course leaves many, many other dog breeds to choose from that will more than likely get along just fine with the cats in your home.

What you need to keep in mind is that nearly any animal can be trained to get along with your other pets; it just may take some work and patience on your part. If you bring home a puppy, he or she shouldn’t have too much trouble adapting to the cats in your family, but an adult dog that has not been raised with cats and doesn’t know how to socialize with them, may be somewhat tougher. There may be quite a long period of acclimation before the animals begin to get along with one another.

What dogs get on well with cats?

It may help speed the friendship process along if you leave the dog on a leash inside the house, while the cat becomes accustomed to his new housemate. Petting the cat and then the dog will give the dog the scent of the cat – and of course doing the opposite by petting the dog and then the cat will give the cat the scent of the dog – may help the process as well, because this is how animals are able to communicate with one another to determine which animals are threats and which are not.

Another good idea would be to make sure you have a tall area, perhaps a scratching post, where the cat can climb up to escape the exuberance of your new dog. This will allow both you and your cat to feel comfortable when you find you must leave them alone together. When given the opportunity, they will eventually work it out between themselves.

So do not worry excessively about your new puppy and old family friend getting along. Do what you can to help them maneuver the difficulties of getting to know one another and then step back and let nature take its course. Ultimately, they’re bound to be the best of friends.

What is the best small dog for a pet?


Delightful Toy and Miniature Breeds of Dogs That Will Bring Your Family Great Pleasure. What is the best small dog for a pet? Like many of us, you may wonder what miniature and toy dog breeds are available to bring home to be your family pet. There may be more than you’re aware of! Most the miniature and toy breeds are merely small counterparts of the same, but larger, breeds.

What is the best small dog ?

You may find it interesting to learn that dog breeds considered miniature or toys are actually both modern and ancient. They often are descended from breeds of dogs that have been around for literally centuries, so, in a sense, they are ancient, however some of them have come from purposefully breeding two or more breeds or inbreeding producing the miniature and toy dog breeds we have today, such as the Miniature Pinscher.

Another example would be the Italian Greyhound, which appears to be a small version of the Greyhound as it has the same talents as its larger breed.

You will want to choose carefully from the large selection of miniature and toy breeds of dogs, considering the pros and cons of each to be sure you get a dog that will suit your family and the lifestyle you lead. Something specific to consider about a toy breed of dog is that their extremely small size makes it quite difficult for a vet to treat them, since they don’t have any extra weight and can dehydrate quite easily. Toy breeds also can have a predisposition to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar.

Here are some breeds of small dogs that people have found to make the best pets:

Popular Small Dog Breeds


The world’s smallest breed of dog is the Chihuahua (6″ to 11″). A Chihuahua has rather prominent, bulging eyes and ears that are erect, but soft. They are available in a variety of colors and patterns. Chihuahuas can get aggressive when provoked, but are typically very devoted and loving.


The Affenpinscher is a German breed that comes in the small size of 11 inches and with a weight of less than 5 pounds. They have a bit of a mischievous streak and sport a mustached muzzle with a coat that is rather rough. They are generally very playful but can be somewhat obstinate occasionally.

Yorkshire Terrier (Yorkie)

This is a toy breed from Britain well known for its playful personality. Yorkies have soft, downy coats and are typically about 9 inches tall and weigh around 5 or 6 pounds. They get along well with people, are quite intelligent, and tend to be rather bold. They are black with patches of tan.

Shi Tzu

This is a Chinese breed and is also known as the ‘Chrysanthemum Dog’. It is characterized by a long billowing coat and high intelligence. Normally its height can go up to 11″. Shi Tzu’s are highly affectionate, sporty and courageous.

Other small breeds of dogs that are enjoyed by many are: Pug, Pomeranian, Pekingese, Papillion, Maltese Dog, Lhasa Apso, Havanese, French Bulldog, and Toy Poodle. These are by no means all the dogs that are available in toy and miniature varieties. But ; indeed many have enjoyed welcoming them into their families and delighted them in the years following their adoptions. If you’re a lover of small breeds of dogs, you will surely find one that will give you immense pleasure among all the varieties that are available to you.

5 the best information Before buying a goldfish


Feeding the goldfish is as enjoyable as it is a pleasure. To help people who haven’t fed more gold fish before they buy gold fish; We’ll give you 5 important goldfish feeding information. Before choosing a goldfish as a pet consider the following:

Goldfish cannot be handled

As cute and pretty as your goldfish can be, you must not handle them. They have a slimy coating that protects them from bacteria, toxins and harmful substances — and if you touch them you will probably risk damaging it, and this can be life threatening to the fish. It is vital that you try your best not to do this — even a gentle brush may cause an upset to the slimy layer. Other conditions can affect their protective coat too, such as changes in the water temperature or a difference in chemicals. So however much you love your goldfish – you must not touch them.

Goldfish need their sleep!

Much like humans goldfish need their sleep! You will need to have a regular schedule so that the aquarium has a certain amount of light each day. Fish don’t have eyelids so they can’t shut off the light, but they need to rest so a good amount of time with the lights out will help them have a good nights sleep. You may find that you turn your lights off when you go to bed — so this would be the perfect time for your fish to rest too.

Goldfish require very specific living conditions!

You must maintain a steady water temperature in your goldfish’s aquarium. Their health can be compromised if the temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius, so ideally you need to keep your water temperature between 20-24 degrees Celsius. If the temperature in your house considerably drops on a day to day basis it might be worth installing a heater into your tank.

Goldfish feeding

Be sure not to overfeed your goldfish as they will eat almost anything and don’t know when to stop! Keep a regular feeding pattern of twice a day and this should make sure they’re given enough food. You’ll need to make sure you are going to be around to feed them. They’ll eat anything from goldfish flakes and granules to fresh fruit and vegetables, so as long as you can give them a bit of variety, this should ensure they have a healthy diet and are able to thrive.

Goldfish need plenty of space

Your goldfish will need a good amount of space to move about, swim and play in their tank. This will keep them happy and will give them a chance to behave as they normally would. Without ample space, they won’t be able to thrive.

humidity for iguana – How to keep ?


Iguanas are native to tropical regions, so they need a relatively high humidity level. They get most of their water from the moisture in the air, so proper humidity is vital to their health. You should maintain the iguana humidity level between 65 and 75%. It’s a good idea to invest in a quality humidity indicator. Let’s discuss some ways you can maintain a proper level in your iguana’s enclosure.

Iguanas live in humid forests and water sides in nature, so high humidity levels should be provided. It is ideal between 70-80%. You can do this by moistening the cage with water spray 4-5 times a day.

iguana humidity percent

One of the simplest ways to maintain proper humidity for iguanas is to use a spray bottle. You can use this to mist the enclosure as well as your iguana a few times each day. An expensive yet more reliable solution would be to buy an automatic misting or fogging system. One of these systems would automatically mist the enclosure a few times each day.


You can also give you iguana a shower or bath on a daily basis. This will greatly help the amount of moisture he has available. However, you need to be careful if you use the tub yourself. Iguanas can carry salmonella bacteria which can cause a serious bacterial infection in humans. Therefore, make sure you disinfect the tub after your iguana has had a bath.

high iguana humidity level

While it’s important to have a relatively high iguana humidity level, it’s also important that it’s not too high. This presents an excellent breeding ground for the growth of fungus and mildew. Not only will it grow around the enclosure, but it can also grow on the iguana itself.

Making sure there is adequate ventilation will help reduce this problem. It’s also helpful if you don’t mist the enclosure too late in the afternoon. The heating lights will help evaporate excess moisture while they’re on during the day.

Basic Betta Fish Care Tips – How To Care ?


In the pet and animal community, there is a very sad and unfortunate myth that caring for betta fish takes very little effort. Betta fish are often kept in very small bowls of pet store shelves. And given very little attention or concern for their well being. Ask an employee about their living conditions and they are very likely to tell you about how Siamese fighting fish live in puddles which is a popular myth but false. Becau se of this, many new betta fish owners do not give proper care to their fish which often results in sickness or even death

However, equipped with the right knowledge, taking care of your Siamese fighting fish doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, owning and caring for betta fish can be stress free as long as you know how to identify problems and fix them in a timely manner. A few minutes a day is all takes to monitor your betta fish’s health and provide it with the proper care and diet. The Betta Fish Care Organization has a lot of in-depth information on different Siamese fighting fish care topics. But if you need a short introduction, look no further.

The number one way to care for your betta fish is to make sure you have the right type of tank. A lot of different sources will tell you that a good size for a betta fish bowl is 1.5 gallons but in reality you will want at least a 2 gallon bowl, although you should always strive for more. For the temperature of the tank, you should strive for around 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Betta fish can live average 2 years but ; How Long Do Goldfish Live for between 20 and 25 years.

How do I keep my betta healthy?

Siamese fighting fish are a tropical fish and require heat to stay healthy. Some people may tell you that you can keep betta fish in temperatures as low as 65 degrees Fahrenheit…this is an extremely bad idea and will likely result in a dead fish. Make sure to keep the pH of the bowl between 6.0-8.0 and to change the water on a regular basis for the best betta fish care possible.

Diet wise, there are a lot of options for keeping your betta healthy. In the wild, Siamese fighting fish feed mostly off of insects such as mosquitoes and their larvae and also worms. Protein rich diets such as frozen blood worms are the best for betta fish care and will help in keeping them fit, happy, and healthy. If you do decide to feed them flakes, make sure they are betta flakes such as BettaMin flakes as opposed to generic tropical flakes, which will not provide the proper amount of nutrients for your betta.

When it comes to compatibility with other animals, always use extreme caution and make sure to monitor your betta fish very carefully. Make sure to never put two male Siamese fighting fish together as this will provoke violence that will lead to injury. It is however possible to place multiple females in the same aquarium. A lot of people ask if they can pair goldfish with betta fish…absolutely not. The best type of animals to pair with betta fish are peaceful bottom dwellers, although other animals such as the African Dwarf Frog are possible candidates.

Basic Betta Fish Care Tips

When it comes to owning a pet, most people prefer to start small. For example, before moving on to caring for dogs or cats. Some pet owners would like to start with hamsters in small cages or fish in aquariums. This is because most people think that caring for smaller animals does not require as much effort in terms of the food, space, environment, and other requirements that they would have to meet as aquarium hobbyists.

But in reality, there is so much more to taking care of a pet fish. Especially if you are interested in betta fish, one of the most colorful and amusing breed of pet fish to have around. Whether you are just an aquarium hobbyist or if you are planning to go into breeding betta fish, try to consider these simple tips to providing a good home and care for your betta.

Buying Your Betta Fish

First things first, you have to remember that, when buying a betta fish. You will encounter several species of the same fish type. The most common and most known breed of betta fish is the Siamese fighting fish. Which is well-known for its aggressiveness and vibrant colors.

Off the bat, you should already know that a Siamese fighting fish needs space. If you are dealing with a male Siamese fighting fish. You will have to keep it in a separate bish bowl by itselfthis is because male Siamese fighting fish become very aggressive in the presence of another betta In fact, seeing its own reflection can make it more aggressive.

This is why they are kept in one fish bowl, for one will surely die if two males are kept together. This is not the case with female Siamese fighting fish because they are less aggressive towards another female betta. However, precautionary measures dictate. That your aquarium should have ample hiding places for female bettas in case you are thinking of keeping several female bettas together.

The Siamese fighting fish is just one type of betta fish. As you can see, the behavior for each type is different.  So you have to do some research on the particular type that you would want to own. Coming to the store prepared with what you want to buy will help. Because you will have fewer problems in trying to set up a home and caring environment for your pet betta.

Setting Up Your Betta Fish Aquarium

The next step is to set up the future home for your betta fish. Assuming that you have opted to go with the more peaceful types of betta. Which can live with another betta fish in the same fish bowl. You can then start decorating and buying the tools and equipment needed for your aquarium.

The water that you have to use is tap water, but with precaution that it is not hard water. If it is, try using water treatments to remove contaminants that may harm your fish. You also have to note the water temperature because the betta fish has a specific temperature that it adapts to. Generally, betta fish is a tropical creature, so the temperature has to fall somewhere within that range.

If you are unsure, just observe your betta fish’s behavior once you’ve put it in the fish bowl. They become sluggish if the water is too cold and jumpy when it is too hot.

Decorations like aquatic plants and gravel are options that can be left to the owner. The important thing to remember is that you have to consider the type of betta that you buy. You also have to consider their own environment and behavior. Some male betas tend to build bubble nests during mating season. So you may have to consider areas in the aquarium that can serve that purpose.

Feeding Your Betta Fish

The most common mistake that first-time fish owners tend to make is to not know the right time for feeding and amount of food to give their fish. This can be a huge problem for betta fish care. For betta fish, once a day is enough for adult bettas while babies have to be fed twice. Overfeeding is a major hazard to their health.  So after feeding time, remove food particles left floating in the fish bowl.

When it comes on the type of food to feed betta fish. There are two things that they can digest: live food and frozen food. But this depends on the type of betta fish that you buy. Most prefer live food, such as larvae, brown worms,  bloodworms, and brine shrimp.

Since frozen food is much more convenient in preparing, most pet owners go for this type of food. You can easily find frozen or freeze-dried food types of the list mentioned earlier. Which are made especially for betta fish.

Betta fish can go without food for a few days and it is good to skip one or two feeding days. So that their digestive system can cleanse itself. However, if you will be gone for vacation for a long period of time. It is best to have an automatic feeder to ensure that your pet fish will not die of starvation.

Cleaning The Fish Bowl

As with any aquarium, you will also have to deal with cleaning the fish bowl regularly to prevent contaminants from making your betta fish sick.

Filters are an important part of the aquarium. Just like with other fish types, the betta fish will produce substances. That can make the fish bowl dirty in the long run. Filters will not only help lessen the particles that contaminate the aquarium. But it can also ensure that your fish are healthy even when you have forgotten or missed a cleaning duty.

Be it a big dog or a small fish, caring for a pet requires a lot of effort and patience. But in the long run, when you have seen the fruits of your labor living happily in their fish bowls. This is the reward for being the best pet owner that they ever had.

Obedience Training For Dogs – Is obedience training good for a dog?


When you’re looking for information about obedience training for dogs, you will need to clarify exactly what you mean. Some people use the term “obedience training” to describe how to train a dog to be a good family member.

What Are The Basics?

They want their dogs to know how to sit, stay and not jump on people. If they can get their dogs to that level of accomplishment with the dog training basics, they will be happy.

But there is also a more formal meaning that includes training dogs to perform specific tasks for obedience competitions. Not only do the dogs need to be trained in more tasks, but the trainers need to know more, too.

And these trainers usually commit more time and money to obedience training for dogs than casual pet owners do. Here is an overview of how these two approaches are the same and where they are different.

How do I teach my dog obedience?

When you’re training a pet for family life, you want him to be safe and you want your family members to be safe around him. That means he needs to learn how to stay when you tell him to, so he won’t run into the street. He needs to know not to bite the children in the same way that he would bite other puppies when they are playing together.

He needs to learn not to bark when he sees someone on the sidewalk in front of the house (unless you want him to scare off an intruder). And he needs to know not to jump on granny and knock her down when he greets her at the door.

When training your dog for obedience competitions, she will still learn all of the behaviors of family life that were just mentioned. Your dog will still learn to stay, not bite, not bark and not jump. But this level of training will be just a foundation for carrying out more complex tasks. And the way your dog performs the commands you give her will be much more important.

Not only must she stay when you tell her to, but she must sit in a perfectly aligned position while she stays. In more advanced dog training classes, she will also learn to pick up objects when you tell her to, as well as distinguish between which objects you have touched and which ones you haven’t touched.

There is no doubt that basic obedience training for dogs is essential for having a happy and healthy pet. Dogs need to be able to successfully fit into their family’s lifestyle so that they everyone can enjoy the relationship, and you can choose the level of involvement that fits best with your goals and interests.

If you find that both you and your dog enjoy your training sessions and you want to spend more time together, take the next step to learn about competition obedience training. But at the bare minimum, make sure that you take the time to learn and apply the dog training basics that will keep your dog and family happy and safe.

Types of Hamster Food -Which One Is the Best ?


When you purchase a hamster as a pet, you’ll also need to purchase some basic accessories, including a cage, a water bottle, a few toys, and hamster food. It’s important that you feed your pet the correct types of food so that it can be healthy and happy – the wrong kinds of food can lead to indigestion, illness, or even death if they’re fed for long periods of time.

Which One Is The Best Hamster Food ?

For the best results, purchase a type of food that is marketed specifically for hamsters. There are several best hamster food available; the specific food choice is up to the individual pet owner.

Pelleted Food

This type of hamster food is made of a variety of grasses and grains that are healthy for hamsters, mixed together and pressed into small pellets. The pellets may be dyed a variety of bright colors to enhance their appearance. But; generally contain the same amount of nutrition regardless of color. This type of hamster food may also contain vitamin or mineral supplements that can help keep your pet healthy.

Seed Mixes

This type of hamster food consists of nuts, grains, and seeds that are safe for them to eat. You may find, when using this type of hamster food. That your pet sorts through the mixture and picks out their favorite items. Hamsters often hoard food in their cages, so it will be easy to see which parts of the food your hamster enjoys and which parts it doesn’t care for – those left behind in the food bowl after each feeding are likely not popular options. You may choose to mix this type of best hamster food with pelleted food to provide your hamster with more variety and interest in their diet.

Fresh Food

Hamsters can be fed fresh food, such as fruits and vegetables, in limited supply. Overfeeding of fresh pet food can cause intestinal issues or disease, so stick to small amounts of these foods as a special treat. You’ll find that your hamster has specific taste preferences; he or she may enjoy certain types of fresh food, while totally ignoring other fruits and vegetables.

As a pet owner, it’s your responsibility to provide your hamster with a varied, healthy diet. Feed nutritious options, and mix them up from one day to the next to prevent boredom. Pay attention to your hamster’s eating habits, and if you notice that it is not eating, eating excessively, or has developed an intestinal problem, consult a vet promptly.

For optimal health, feed your pet only recommended food and treats. And provide it with plenty of fresh drinking water. Your pet will thrive under these conditions, and you’ll be able to enjoy his company for years to come. Pls read this article , it is about dwarf hamser care.