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5 İnformation about goldfish


Legend is about aquarium goldfish. Interesting information you need to know about fish. Goldfish maintains the first place during the popular fishes of the aquarium world. Japanese goldfish, whose real name is Chinese  (Chinese goldfish), has been named as goldfish because it is distributed to the Far East countries from Japan and is known by this name in our country. Since the memory of Japanese fish is strong, it does not always eat dry food. Wet feeds from time to time should be preferred for goldfish that can be bored from eating dry food. In addition to wet food, you can also chop boiled vegetables.

Ancestor is carp.

Goldfish is one of the subspecies of carp. The goldfish obtained by crossing the carp genes are genetically similar to the carp. Japanese fish with a stronger memory than other fish species have a memory capacity of 5 months backwards. The goldfish, which recognizes . The feeding time and the person giving the feed, may die due to disruption of the feed order. It was formed by crossing various carp fishes and playing genes. Although it does not look much like the type of carp, it is a carp. they can also mate with the carp fish and remove the emerged cubs.

Memory is 5-6 months, not 3 seconds.

Memory of goldfish is 5-6 months. Can memorize feeding hours. Little games can also be taught to it. recognize the owner.

It’s wrong to live in fan.

Fanus is harmful not only to it but to all fish. Bowl water level is low, not enough for fish. Fishes in the fanus are forced to look squint. After a while it eyes begin to deteriorate. Becomes blind.

Note: The purpose of the production of the fanus is to look at the flowers, there is no picture of fish on a fanus box.


Can live for many years

The most known living  It has lived for 44 years. the oldest living Japanese fish is 38 years old.  If your goldfish care well, it can be with you for a long time. It can grow up to 25 cm in size in a large aquarium. For this reason, goldfish, also known as a species of fish that cannot live in narrow spaces, such as a lantern, is also known as large aquarium fish.

Japanese fish, also known as fish species that require more oxygen than many aquarium species, are also known as the first fish species that come to the surface of the water in the event of oxygen depletion. Therefore, the oxygen installation in the aquarium should be checked at regular intervals.

Love the fish over time and love the cat loves you like

It is possible to love fish by hand. If you do this too much, the fish may be damaged

Is gum dangerous for dogs?


Is gum dangerous for dogs? If you feed dogs at home, you may want to place your sugar-free gums in a closet where your dog can’t easily find them. Because the US Food and Drug Administration warns that sweeteners, commonly known as sugar-free gums, also known as xylitol, are poisonous to dogs.

Sweeteners, sugar-free and mint-flavored candies, chewable vitamins, mouth rinse water, toothpaste and peanut butter is also available. Toxicologist Dr. Pet Poison Helpline In addition to these products. Ahna Brutlag announced that some medicines, skin lotions and nasal sprays also contain xylitol.

Is gum dangerous for dogs? OF course ! Beause ; Xylitol poisoning can cause vomiting, fatigue, dizziness and seizures. Consumption of xyliton is a life hazard for dogs . Because it disrupts blood sugar balance because dogs digest sweeteners faster than humans do. Xylitol is rapidly transferred into the bloodstream, causing the pancreas to secrete too much insulin, causing dogs to drop blood sugar.

This condition, called hypoglycemia, can be triggered by xylitol consumption in 10 minutes to 1 hour. While in some cases it can take up to 24 hours for symptoms to be observed. Xylitol poisoning is fatal. However, many dogs can be saved by early treatment.

It is not yet known whether xylitol is toxic to cats. But the US Department of Medicine and Food said that they were not worried about this, and that cats did not like to eat dessert, so they could be considered safe, at least in part.  What should dogs eat or What Not To Feed Dogs ?

harmful food for dogs

This is a list of foods that are poisonous to dogs, causing serious health problems in dogs.

  • Chocolate
  • Onion and garlic
  • Alcohol
  • Bone
  • Sugar, candy and chewing gum
  • Citrus fruits and other stone fruits
  • Milk

Chocolate is perhaps the most known poison food for dogs. It contains theobromine, which can be extremely toxic to sweet animals and especially small animals, which are highly popular among humans. Onions and garlic are often used in our meals, and most veterinarians recommend that these food residues not be given to pets. These similar foods are dangerous because they can cause anemia and various respiratory diseases.

Alcohol is a harmful drink even for people. It will be very dangerous to give alcohol to our pets as they have deadly effects on the inner organs of our furry friends. It is our responsibility as dog owners to take care of this. In spite of the widespread appearance of a bone in the mouth of dogs, this is actually very dangerous. The risk of choking, indigestion and injury to poultry, especially through the penetrating bones of needles, is very high.

If you want to reward your dog with a bone, go to a pet shop and buy him a bone-shaped food made with natural, healthy food. There is a wide variety of foods specially designed for this.

Sugar, candy and chewing gum

You must definitely prevent your dog from eating sugar. Giving sugar to a dog can cause serious health problems that can go as far as blindness or diabetes. If your dog swallows a chewing gum, the danger becomes even greater because it contains xylitol.

Citrus fruits and other stone fruits

In general, citrus fruits are harmful to dogs, but orange and lemon are even more harmful because they contain psoralen. Since dogs are acidic, they avoid these fruits.

Among the seed fruits, you should pay particular attention to the fruits that contain cyanide as well as the risk of asphyxiation, especially melon and apricot.


Only people can drink milk even during adulthood. The enzymes that allow us to digest milk are not present in dogs, so you should not give your pets food and drinks containing lactose.

Many more items can be added to this list. Therefore, the best thing to do is to ask your vet what food is appropriate for your pets. You should give them food especially for animals

How to Handle Dog Barking – For Stop Methods


Excessive barking can become a real issue for pet owners. I had a dog once that barked at anything and everything. When I let her play in the backyard, she would run up and down he back and bark at the grass, the shed, the fence and so on and so on. Dogs bark to communicate with us and with other dogs. Unfortunately, when dogs bark too much, it may disrupt your sleep or bother the neighbors.  Some dog breeds bark more than others. It also depends on how long you can withstand noise. To handle your dog barking, you can follow these recommendations:

How to get your dog to handle barking

handle to barking

1.Find a way to stop your dog when he barks too much. This can be a glance, a specific voice (eg “no”) or a physical contact (gently touch). Once your dog has understood the cessation of barking, everything will be much easier for you.Note, however, that it can only stop for a few minutes and then continue to “sing”. This is because his brain is still perceiving things incorrectly. Don’t give up after the first try. And remember, it takes patience and repetition many times for pets to gain a habit.

2.Remember that you are the leader of the team. If the dog is barking at a particular object, situation or person, approach him to show who is the leader. Show that you own the object. So the animal will realize that he has nothing to worry about. Use your body and manners to build an invisible wall that your pet can’t cross. You’ll be amazed by the effect this has on your pet.

3. If you can’t afford a trainer, you can try to training your dog yourself. One conditioning program that’s effective is called desensitization/counter-conditioning program. This means that through very slow, controlled exposure you teach your dog to associate each of the stimuli that triggers her barking with something good (usually food). This will eventually teach her to look to you for a treat rather than bark at the stimulus. Many people are probably reading this wondering “does this mean you always have to have food on you?

The answer to that is “yes, for a while.” You can eventually wean the food to an extent. However, if you were to use a bark collar you would always have to use a bark collar. So either way, you are always going to have to have something. To learn how to do a desensitization/classical conditioning program you could either buy a book or hire a professional trainer to walk you through it.

4. A third suggestion would be to hire a trainer. Trainers can help in ways that you can’t imagine. Keep in mind that trainers can become expensive, but again they are effective.

How do I keep my goldfish healthy?


Healthy Goldfish are aquarium fish from Asia spread all over the world. Goldfish are of the carp family. Gold fish can live up to 50 years when properly fed. If you want these cute aquarium fish to live with you happily and for a long time, you should consider the recommendations in this article. Providing that your goldfish are properly cared for and you keep them in the correct environment, they should not suffer from illness.

For A Healthy Goldfish

To keep your goldfish happy and healthy, you should follow these basic rules:

  • Do not overcrowd your tank
  • Ensure there’s at least 10 gallons of water per goldfish
  • Change the water every week to keep ammonia levels down
  • Keep the temperature between 20-24 degrees Celsius
  • Feed your goldfish a varied diet with the usual flakes/pellet, fruit and veggies
  •  feed twice a day – Do not overfeed your goldfish
  • Do not add other contaminated fish or plants in your aquarium
  • Do not handle your goldfish
  • Make sure your goldfish have time with the lights out so they can sleep

It is also important that you try not to frighten your goldfish or stress them out whilst either cleaning their tank or interacting with them. 

Goldfish can hear, so don’t tap the sides of the fish tank, and because water carries sound far better than air, the noise can be quite loud and frightening to them.

Check to see where your goldfish swims — if they swim near the surface of the water in the tank they could possibly have a problem with their swim bladder. Consult a vet if this is the case. The purpose of the swim bladder is to help the fish rise and lower himself in the water. For example, when he wants to go up, he fills his swim bladder with air, and when he wants to go down he’ll release the air. This is why you may see your fish blowing bubbles as he descends.

Signs of a healthy goldfish:

  • They swim in clear, clean and odourless water
  • Expanding their gills regularly
  • Eating regularly and approach the surface quickly at feeding time
  • Swimming actively throughout the tank
  • Do not have white spots or blemishes on their body
  • Healthy looking fins that aren’t torn or ragged
  • Brightly body colouration.

We have written for you the most important tips on how to have a healthy goldfish. You can search the site to learn more about Goldfish care.

What to Expect from your Pomsky Puppy


You’re likely reading this because one of the hundreds of images you’ve found online have all but convinced you that Pomskies might be the cutest dogs you will ever see. For example ; How Big Do Pomskies Get ? Pomskies are very friendly, and if we take good care of them, they get big  quickly. But with all breeds (and this non-breed) you want to be sure you know what to expect. Here are a few things to consider:

How Big Do Pomsky Get?

This is perhaps one of the more popular questions you hear anyone interested in owning a Pomsky ask. Since specialty breeders are still perfecting the process of turning the Pomsky into a real breed. There will be a huge variety in available sizes. How much do Pomsky dogs weigh?  Adult Pomskies can range anywhere between 15 to 25 pounds. But breeders are gradually getting Pomskies down to about 10 pounds, which is the intended goal for breeders.

How Big Do Pomskies Get ? The actual size of a Pomsky when it is fully grown really depends on the size and genetics of its parents. A general rule is that fully grown Pomsky will likely be about half of the total weight of its parents. This being said, all you have to do is add the weight of the two parents and divide by half to get a fair idea of how large your Pomsky will get.

What Will My Pomsky Look Like?

Most dog lovers are searching for Pomskies that are small like Pomeranians but have the colors of Huskies. Their coats are usually soft, silky and long and will consist of a mix of colors which include white, black and grey. While husky colorings are preferred, you may also find Pomskies in what are usually Pomerian colors including red, black, grey, brown, etc. Eye color can be brown, green, amber, hazel and also have the typically ideal husky light blue. Some Pomskies even have bi-eyed colors. Pomskies are often described as having narrow, fox-like faces with pert ears. But these features depend largely on the parents’ features as well. For instance, both huskies and Pomeranians usually have erect ears, so you could expect a pomsky to have erect ears.

How Much Will my Pomsky Shed?

You should probably know beforehand that Pomskies shed a lot of hair. Most will shed twice a year in periods lasting as much as 90 days. Their soft and silky coat, which most closely resembles that of a husky’s, also needs to be cared for and ideally brushed at least once a day and twice a day during shedding periods.

What Can I Expect from A Pomsky?

Because Pomsky is still a relatively new breed that is basically a mix between a Husky and Pomeranian it’s probably a great idea to learn a little about each of these breeds to get some understanding of what to expect from a Pomsky. As Huskies are naturally gentle and playful, so too will see Pomskies with these traits. Pomskies also develop personalities that demonstrate their quiet, curious and loving natures. They’re always keen to learn and will look forward to playing with adults, children as well as other small dogs.

Pomskies are also diggers. Energetic ones. So if you have a garden you cherish you may want to watch your Pomsky any time it’s let out, or invest in training your dog not to dig. In general, you want to keep your Pomsky well-exercised, since this will also help prevent them from  developing problematic behaviors. Usually, a couple of walks per day is fine, but for extra energetic ones be sure to set time aside for some extra vigorous playtime or running around to help them use up that pent up energy.

Hamster’s Wild Habitat And Care For Hamsters


Hamsters are very small and wild animals in the rodent family that are great fun as pets. These not currently active animals have aced out little body with relatively strong legs and exceptionally wide feet. Hamsters have small cheek pouches on either side of their head which are used to carry food and store food before consumption. With short tales, pointy ears, and the sheep for coats, pastors are some of the most beloved of all rodent pet.

Some interesting facts about hamsters

Some interesting facts about hamsters are that the wild habitat of these rodents consists of mostly dry areas, devoid of any water. The diet of hamsters includes grasses, seeds, fruits and vegetables, in fact, lizards and even other small mammals which can be caught and overtaken, are part of the dinner for hamsters. Natively or wild , hamsters can be found in the deserts of Asia and India. The word “hamster”is taken from the German word ‘Hamstern’, which means “to hoard”! That is exactly what the little hamsters do as they gather nuts and food items from around the arid landscapes of Asia and stash them into the borough. A true hoarder!

Hamsters are not blind yet they are colorblind and can only see 6 inches in front and this is on a good day. Hamsters are omnivores, and will eat just about anything they can get there little mitts on! When setting up a residence for keeping a hamster as a pet, a small residence, with non-cedar shavings and a makeshift borough, plus access to water and a little food, is all that the friendly rodent will ever require.

Enjoy For  Wild Hamsters

Many hamster owners resort to installing exercise wheels, slides, and even attempt to shed some pounds off the often heavy and bubbly little rodents! Whatever floats their boat is fine with the hamster as there is something to be said about obliviousness!

Hamsters are wild animals. It may be difficult to tame some hamsters and one of them is desert hamster. Desert hamsters are wild and may need time to tame. Also called Desert Hamster or Robo Hamster, this Roborovski Hamster is the smallest and fastest of the dwarf hamsters. Emerging in the deserts of Mongolia, China and Russia, Robovski, the smallest of the hamster species, the desert hamster is smaller than 2 cm when first born. Adults can reach 4.5-5 cm in length. In adults, body weight can be 20-25 g.

Robovski hamster can live on average 3 years. This period can be extended further with good care in good conditions.

The plumage is light brown on the back and white on the abdomen. This fur shape makes it easier to live in harmony with the desert. There is a wide whiteness around the eye. There is a white-faced species of robo hamster, but this variation is very rare.

This type of hamster is not very friendly, they do not like to be handled and can be difficult to tame. It is possible to accustom with some patience and a favorite food.

Desert Hamster is Hard to Tame

First of all, get used to your hand and make sure not to escape. Move your hand from the front and from a point where he can see you, with the palm up. After a while, extend your hand by placing a favorite food in the palm of your hand. Already your hand will start to come to the palm of your hand to get the food. In the meantime, you should be careful not to reach behind your neck. He can perceive this hand as a threat he cannot see.

They live well in colonial form in their wildlife and they can get along with their species in the same cage. However, as with all hamsters, it is better to be alone. He is shy .Rather than contacting people, he is quite happy to watch his surroundings through his cage.

This type of night is fast moving. It is quite difficult to catch. Roborovski hamsters who have a soft temperament but do not like to be handled very rarely can bite.

For a very curious hamster who likes toys and fun activities in the cage, it is necessary to choose a little hamster cage. He likes to play games, and it is good to put hamster toys for activities in the cage. Therefore, the cage to be selected must be of suitable dimensions. In addition, the long cage tunnels in the cage or cotton hamster game tunnel will make your hamster happy.

Abundant base material should be used for this species who loves digging and storing. However, they are more sensitive than they are very small. Therefore, softwood poplar shavings should be preferred instead of pine shavings. Pieces of paper may also be used as the base material. However, you should prefer inkless, unpainted paper.

Amazon Parrots Personality,food,care and informations for sale


The parrots that belong to the genus Amazona are commonly known as Amazon parrots. The Amazon parrot is the inhabitant of the new world that ranges from South America, Mexico as well as Caribbean.  Indeed it is believed that the Amazon parrot owe their name to Christopher Columbus who brought this short winged, green colored parrot to Europe. There are as much as 27 species of these parrots around the New.

The Amazon parrot is a very talented and intelligent breed of parrot that excels in the art of talking and imitating various sounds. Their only rivals in this field of art are the African grey parrots. Their specialty at mimicry makes them quite popular as pets or companion parrots. However, these parrots are demanding pets. They crave for attention and love and hence they are not meant for all.

The Yellow–naped Amazon, Orange-winged Amazon, Yellow-headed Amazon and Blue-fronted Amazon are the four common species of Amazon parrots which are common as pets. These parrots are quite well known because of their exceptional playfulness, vocal abilities and dexterity. The feeding habits of these parrots include fruits, nuts, seeds supplemented with leafy matter. The popularity of these parrots as pets has infact led to the development of a small industry that deals with parrot breeding in captivity.

Amazon Parrots İnformations For Sale

Unfortunately over-stress on this industry has also led some parrot species to the category of threatened animals. Different species of Amazon parrot is sold at different prices that range between $800 – $1600. The price rises higher with the speech ability of the parrot. The cost of this pet varies from species to species and the quality of the bird but on an average it ranges from $250 – $1500.

Parrots are probably the most favorite group of birds with cute characteristics and colorful patterns. If you happen to be a parrot lover. You would certainly be having some attractive parrot pictures set as wallpapers on your computer screen. Among the several types of parrots found around the world, Amazon Parrots are among the social, playful and energetic ones.

Amazon Parrots Food And Care

These green colored, short winged parrots have 27 different species spread over South Africa, the Caribbean and Mexico. Amazon Parrots are talkative and best imitators and their intelligence is said to match with 3 year old human child, monkeys and dolphins. They are 36 cm long and have an average life-span of 50-70 years. However, they can live longer depending on the care being taken. If you want information about the Grey African Parrot, we recommend you to read this article.

They are sometimes irritable, stubborn, quite and jealous while at other times they might be loud, cuddly and playfully aggressive. If you are planning to buy an Amazon parrot, be ready to shower all your attention on it as they need a lot of care and love.

Amazon Parrots normally live on fresh water, vegetables, fruits and parrot pellet mix. You can also give it a share from your family dinner as long as the food is salt free and healthy. Never feed it with alcohol, caffeine, avocado, chocolate and apple seeds as these things are toxic to them.

African Grey parrot , price, care, feeding


An amazingly intelligent species, the African grey parrot has been charming many as their pets for more than 4000 years now. This medium sized parrot generally inhabits the rain forest of Central and West Africa. As per the Egyptian hieroglyphics, the African grey parrots were kept as pets for the first time by the Egyptians. The Romans and Greeks equally value this wonderful bird and the Romans are also known to keep them in special ornate cages. It is interesting to know that even King Henry VII was also a proud owner of an African grey parrot.

African grey parrot

Considered to be the best in mimics among the parrot species, the African grey parrots are quite strong. They are even known to bite with their pointed beaks and scratch with their sharp claws. The preferable diet for these parrots include broccoli, mustard greens, some cheese and at times almonds. Their dietary requirements are quite special as their food should be suitably supplemented with Vitamin A and calcium. However, an excess of these supplements can lead to severe health issues.

Since the African grey parrots are heavy birds, only a few of their feathers need clipping. If more feathers from the wings are clipped. The flight of the bird will be severely impaired and can also result in injury. The Africa gray parrots live for an average of 50 years if kept in captivity. The pet shops that keep the African grey parrot for sale differ quite a bit in their price range. Still on an average these parrots are available between the price range of $600 – $1000.

African Congo Grey parrot

The short-tailed stocky African Congo Grey parrot date back to almost over 4000 years, (scientific name – Psittacus erithacus erithacus) and the Timneh African Grey Parrot (scientific name – Psittacus erithacus timneh) is regarded as the most successful human companion. The Congo African grey parrot is the larger of the two species with 12 inches length, deep red colored tail, light grey colored feather and black beak. The other sub species is smaller in size, charcoal grey colored feather with a maroon tail and a light horn upper

The African Congo Grey parrot had a probable origin in Central and West Africa. Even King Henry VII had an African Congo Grey parrot as a pet. And the Portuguese sailors used these parrots as their companions during their long sea voyages. This species of African Congo Grey parrot owe their popularity and demand to their charming intelligence, communication ability and the art of mimicking a wide range of sounds. The African Congo Grey parrot craves for attention and show their agitation by plucking feathers when neglected. If disturbed, they can even bite which can be very

The African Congo Grey parrot weighs around 300-400gms and the most suitable food for them are fruits and vegetables mixed with Quality parrot mix pellets. There are many pet shops where you can buy these parrots at the usual rates of $900 – $1000.

About African gray parrot

  • What makes a parrot the popular pet bird that it is?  Why does it differ from other birds and how this difference will make it a better pet for you.
  • Parrot parenting information so that caring for your parrot is easier and you have more time to enjoy with him.
  • Did you know your parrot needs 12 hours sleep?  That’s right!  Read all about how to give your parrot the rest that it needs so that it is not sleep deprived and gets unwell.
  • Why your parrot has some of the habits that it does.  We tend to forget that we have taken these birds out of the wild and that not all of their habits have been forgotten.
  • What to feed a parrot. A healthy diet for your parrot is such a benefit for the total well being of a parrot.  It is amazing just what they will eat, but there are certain things that are not good for them.  
  • Parrots do get ill from time to time and there are early warning signs that you can look for so that you can get right on to fixing the problem straight away.  No parrot likes being a sick parrot!
  • Teaching your parrot tricks and how to talk are just some of the fun things to do with your parrot.  They love your attention and there are so many things to teach them so that you both enjoy each others company
  • There are hundreds of parrot breeds, but there are much fewer that people tend to gravitate to for their pets . Because parrot owners like to have birds that are very skilled at their parrot tricks and who will talk with them.  Some parakeet are so intelligent that they will even string sentences together!
  • There is so much more to tell and that is why you will find the mini-course so enlightening.

Teacup Pomeranian Size, Personality, Grooming and Sale İnformation


As your family is looking for a puppy or dog to add to your family you may want to consider a teacup Pomeranian.  If you are looking for a little fur ball a Pomeranian is the perfect choice for you and your family.  The first thing that you will notice as you are looking at Pomeranians is their adorable furry faces.  They do look like a fur ball.

As you are choosing your new family member you will want to remember all the important things that come with owning a dog.  The most important thing that a dog wants is to have the love of their family.  They will return that love to their family.

Teacup Pomeranian

A teacup Pomeranian has been called many different names:  micro teacup Pomeranians, toy Pomeranians, miniature Pomeranians, teacup poms and mini Pomeranians.  Pomeranians names were originated from the central region of the continent which is called Pomerania.  Pomeranians grew in popularity and their recognition increased in the 1600s.  This was due to different royal families added this particular breed to their families.  Queen Victoria, in the 1800s, had a Pomeranian which was smaller than a normal Pomeranian.

Weight and Body Teacup Pomeranian

It’s not until 1950 you never see any mention of a weight on the Pomeranians.  Pomeranians will reach 3-7 pounds in weight.  The females are a little bigger than the males.  Their height should be 8-11 inches.

You will find that a Pomeranian should have a fox like expression.  Their eyes are usually dark and perky and their ears are alert. Pomeranian noses are usually black or you could find some that are chocolate, blue, or beaver.

Their neck needs to be long and sturdy so that they are able to carry their head upright and proud.  Their back should be straight and even.  They should also have a strong tail and have a heavy fluff which rises high above the back.

Personalities and Temperaments

Pomeranians have been given the misconception of being a yappy, tiny dog with tons of fur which seems to be shooting out from all over their body.  They are very keen when there is a stranger approaching.  This keen sense about them helps them to become excellent watch dogs.  They do require early socialization.cute Teacup Pomeranian

You may find that some of the Pomeranians can be bossy and could even try to chase a strange dog.  They don’t care about the size of the other dog.  But, they do well with other pets in the home.  They are very bright and will look straight at you with a cocked head as you are talking to them.

If they are not trained properly then could become possessive of their food and their toys.  They could become resentful of children if the focus is taken away from the.  Some people will say they require a lot of attention.

Pomeranians are very playful and active dogs.  They have proven to be excellent companion dogs, as well.  They love to just spend the time lying on your lap or even sleeping beside you on the couch.  Some, you may find, can suffer from separation anxiety if they tend to be left along for long periods of time.  They are very easy to train, friendly, protective, loyal, loving, and intelligent to give you just a few of their qualities.

How to Groom A Pomeranian

They do have a double thick coat which means that their coats require some extra attention.  Their coats will require the extra attention of daily care.  They will also require regular grooming.  This will help to keep their coats, soft, fluffy, shiny, and tangle free.  Different skin problems could occur if they are not brushed and cleaned regularly.  Their coats could even become matted and tangled.  This will make it more difficult to groom them.Teacup Pomeranian for sale

teacup pomeranian puppyIf their shedding is causing a problem then their coats may need to be trimmed twice or three times a year.  This should help with any shedding problems you may encounter.  Their ears also need to be cleaned.  This is accomplished by using an ear cleaning solution every two weeks.  This will help prevent ear mites. You will want to take your Pomeranian for walks every day.  They need to have plenty of exercise.  They can receive this by running around your house but walks are nice also.  By taking them on walks this will help in keeping their nails shorter.

A Pomeranian lifespan is longer than other breeds.  They have a life span on the average of 13-15 years.  Unfortunately they are vulnerable to health issues.  Some examples include:  diseases and skin infections; heart conditions; knee problems and eye infections; cryptorchidism; loss of teeth early; hypoglycemia; tracheal collapse; seizures; and luxating patella.

Where Can I Find Pomeranians ?

You will find Pomeranians in different colors:  brindle – any solid color, dark stripes, or allowed patterns.  Parti – white base with any allowed pattern or solid color.  Extreme piebald:  white with patches of color on tail or head.  Piebald:  white with color markings on head, tail and body.  Irish:  color on the body and head with white chest, collar and legs.

Tan points – any solid color with color pattern sharply defined underside of the tail and skirt, above the eye, lower legs and feet, muzzle, ears, throat, and fore chest.  They are more desirable when the tan is richer.

You are able to find teacup Pomeranian and pomsky puppies and adult dogs for sale all over.  You can research them on the internet or even in your local paper pomeranian  pomsky for sale.  Some of the individuals that are on the internet are even willing to ship their dogs to you if you would like.

As you are choosing your dog you need to remember that this dog will now be a part of your family.  This dog will want the love and attention that the rest of your family wants.  The dog will also become your friend and give you more love as you show it the love you have for it.

Where Can I Find Pomsky Pups for Sale?


We recommend you to adopt a pomsky puppy for sale. Pomsky’s history is not very old, as it was recently produced by artificial insemination. Since it is a very new species, it is not yet clear how it should look and its other features. Some generations of race must be passed for several generations to fit. Currently, even in the sister Pomsky there may be differences in appearance and temperament. For this reason, the standards of race do not seem to occur soon.

If you are looking  Pomsky for sale , it is important that your garden or garden provide a good fence to keep the dog safe on the right side and that it is trained for good recall from an early age to reduce potential tendencies.

Where Can I Find Pomsky Puppy for Sale?

Pomskies are quickly becoming one of the most sought after types of dogs out there, and the fact that they are a relatively new breed (still unofficial) and are in very high demand has made them hard to find. One of the things you should be aware of is that there are dishonest breeders out there that aren’t really selling a Pomsky but are instead offering a different type of dog with similar features in order to make a quick buck. Beware of these fraudulent sellers and certainly take the time to do your due diligence and deal only with honest breeders. This being said there are several reputable breeders offering these cute puppies for sale, you just have to know where to look.

Internet Search

Doing a simple internet search for “Pomsky,” “Pomskies” or “Husky Pomeranian Mix” will net you dozens of breeders anywhere in the world. The trouble is that you can’t be too sure if the breeder is actually selling you the exact dog you are looking for. First of all, since the breed is still in process. You may find it difficult to get just the right size and color mix you desire. Also, there are some breeders that are posting stock images of the breed and not actually showing you what the dogs they sell really look like.

Contacting the Breeder

All of this means, of course, that it’s very important for you to research the breeder thoroughly. Before committing to a purchase or worse laying down a deposit. You always want to contact the dealers directly and find out as much as possible about the particular dog you will be purchasing, as well as any information about the puppy’s parents. Usually, you’ll find that breeders are accommodating. You will answer all of your questions and are generally happy to provide you with additional photographs if you ask.

If Possible, Visit the Breeder

The internet has brought more and more pomsky breeders and future dog owners together. Literally allowing for someone to purchase a puppy from across the continent. But there is still a lot of value in being able to purchase a puppy from a breeder that lives nearby. Because;  it gives you the opportunity to visit the puppy beforehand and get a sense for its personality and physical features. Even though shipping isn’t really an issue any more. You may prefer not having the newest addition to the family undergo what could be a stressful experience flying across the nation.