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5 Best Information About Pet Health


The following are the most frequently asked pet health questions and answers.Below are the best recommendations for getting a healthy pet. Information about pet health is included.

Should Be Happy Your Pet

Keeping your pet healthy is essential in enriching their lives. Keeping them healthy also keeps them happy. Who doesn’t want their pet happy? The best advice to give would be to advise you to bring your pet to the vet regularly. The vet can then give you specific instructions on how to keep your pet healthy. Also, the vet can give you an evaluation on what exactly your pet’s needs are based on your pet’s own individual results.

 To Be Careful Your Pet Healthy

This would be better than using tips that are for a majority, rather than focusing on your pet itself. Vets can be quite costly, so before they become ill, remember that prevention is always the best medicine. It is much easier to maintain and care for a healthy pet, rather than hoping to cure one that is ill!

To prevent any illnesses, you must know the warning signs. Symptoms of illness are usually recognized by an animal panting, becoming mildly or severely weak, having an increased repiratory or heart rate, drooling, bloody diarrhea, stupor, seizures, or even collapsing. If your pet behaves in a unusual manner, have them treated immediately.Secondly, any pet whether it be a dog, cat, or even bird, can easily become dehydrated. Be sure to give your pet clean and fresh water.

Eating Healthy to Pet

Do this daily, don’t forget to change their old water out, as well as dispose of it, so your pet will not get to it. Also, don’t forget to feed your pet! There are many brands of food for animals of all kinds, just ask your vet which would be suitable and most nutritious for your pet. It is important to let your pet eat their own food. (i.e, giving a dog table food.) You must remember to never give dogs chocolate.

spend time outside

If you have a cat, it is best to keep them indoors. Indoor cats live longer than cats that remain outside. Cats that remain inside, are not exposed to the disease, illness, and predatory animals of the outside environment. This can apply to a dog too, however cats are more vulnerable to such things rather than a dog.

Love Them !

The most important tip to keeping your pet healthy and happy is to love them! No illness or disease can withstand the love you give to your pet. Pets can feel the way you love and cherish them, and that leads to a happy life. Play with them as much as your schedule allows, buy them toys, cuddle with them from time to time. Pets have feelings just as you do, and if you give them your heart, you’ll get the same from a healthy and happy pet in return.

How To Train A Dog – Tips That Work


Whether you are keeping a dog as a pet or you are planning to join dog competitions, it is best that you train your dog. You should teach your dog so that it will follow your every command. A dog that knows how to follow its master’s every order is truly impressive. But what if you are not an expert trainer? Can you still educate your pooch?

The answer is a resounding yes; you just have to know how to train a dog. And it is actually very easy; you just have to learn the basics of canine training.

how to potty train a dog

Potty training is often a necessary training for pet dogs. Toilet training can be a zone within your home or an outdoors area. If you want the puppy to make the toilet in the designated area in the house. You should use the indoor potty training method. If you want the puppy to toilet outdoors when the toilet needs it, you need to use the outdoor potty training method.

You can start toilet training from the moment the puppy comes home. This training is not as difficult as you think. All you need to do is to keep the pup under constant control during the training process and be patient.

Dogs need to restroom after eating their food because of the pressure in their intestines, which will make it easier for us. Because we know at least when the puppy needs the toilet. What we need to do is to give the puppy dog ​​food to your little friend in regular time periods as often as necessary. And to take control of the toilet needs of the puppy by not giving food to the puppy outside the time periods we have determined.

Food Times Are Very Important For Potty Training

A question may come to your mind as to how often in which time periods is best to give the baby food. It is best to keep the amount of food constant and to increase the amount of food. That is given during the training program. But you should still consult your veterinarian for the amount and frequency of giving dog food. This frequency should not exceed 6 meals a day, in the training process after 6 in the evening. And no more food to the offspring after 7 o’clock in the evening we need to suspend the watering process for a certain period of time in which it will be difficult to observe the animal in order to prevent a degree of errors that may occur. We should not keep the dog food and water container in front of the animal except the hours we give.

It is best to have someone take care of your puppy during the training. Puppies do not need a toilet only after eating and drinking their water, they will want to toilet after waking up or during a fun game. He tells you the toilet needs by sniffing the floor, making circles in a hectic way, or suddenly stagnating in the middle of the game. You should be prepared for such moments and understand that the puppy wants to meet the toilet needs. During the training period, make sure that your dog does not give any food other than meal time. Because every additional nutrient he takes will start the digestive system of the pup and prolong the success and duration of toilet training.

What is the best way to train a dog?

Presented below are some of the tips that will aid you on how to train a dog: Use food as a reward object. Food is probably the most practical thing to be given to your pooch as a reward; you can cut it into small pieces and place it in a small container you can carry around. It is so obvious that all living things love to eat, even dogs. And the trainer should use this fact to their advantage.

When you give food to dogs as a bonus your canines will have this idea that if they tend to be diligent dogs, they will be rewarded with delicious food. Dog biscuits are examples of dog food in bits that can be incentive objects.

Try your best to avoid hitting your dogs- If your pooch chewed on your shoe or it left its dirt on your living room’s floor, calm down and avoid hurting it. Bring it to the “scene of the crime” and scold it like a human being. Then punish it later on by having it sleep in its dog house outside your home instead of its usual nights when it sleeps with you on the bed.

Remember To Be Patient

Remember, cruelty to animals is highly considered to be against the law, and besides, dogs have feelings too.

Have an overflowing patience in your dog – At first, it may be tough: your dog will just look at you or what’s worse; it will ignore your commands and walk away. When this happens, do not stop nor get annoyed. Try to relax and bring your pooch back to training. You should train your canine everyday, and be sure not to miss a single day in training your dog.

Make it used to the sessions of training that you will conduct. But don’t make it hard for your pet. Schedule your training at least two to three hours per day. And then provide play time with your pet to de-stress.

Training your pooch will not just make it clever and diligent. But it will also provide a good bond between you and your animal pal, thus, developing an excellent partnership. Get out of that seat and make a good strategy on how to train a dog.

Iguana Lighting – Which are the best heat lamps ?


In addition to needing proper humidity and heat, iguana also need special lighting. It is very important that you provide your iguana with lighting that produces UVB. You may be wondering why they need this special lighting. For Iguana, lighting is important because heat ensures their survival, and with the lamps that emit heat, both lighting and a warm environment are created.

UVB enables these lizards to synthesize vitamin D3. Without vitamin D3, they will be unable to metabolize calcium that they consume in their diet. Calcium deficiency is a serious condition that will make your iguana very susceptible to metabolic bone disease. Metabolic bone disease can easily be fatal. 

Proper lighting for iguanas is important

Now that you know why proper lighting for iguanas is important, make sure you purchase a bulb that specifically states that it produces UVB. You should have plenty of options. Since your iguana will also need heat, you can kill two birds with one stone and buy a bulb that also provides heat.


The very best lighting to provide for your iguana is natural sunlight. So, you should try to give him outside time as much as possible. Just make sure he has access to a shaded area so that he won’t overheat. Also, you shouldn’t take him outside if the ambient temperature is lower than 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Best lighting for Iguana

Iguanas are up during the day and sleep at night. Like us, it’s hard for them to sleep with a bright light on. This will make them very cranky and stressed. Therefore, you should put a timer on your lights. Leave them on for 10-12 hours to simulate daytime, then turn them off at night. If you don’t use a timer, you will have to manually turn the lights off and on. Click here for an article about how to setup the heating for iguanas .

If you buy fluorescent lighting, you should know that the effectiveness of the UVB rays diminishes over distance. You want to make sure that your iguana is receiving the full benefit of the lighting. Therefore, you should setup a basking branch no more than 12 inches away from the light.

What should be the best setup for iguana


If you want your iguana to be as happy and healthy as possible, then you’ll need to provide him with proper living conditions. There are a few things you need to know when setup an iguana habitat. Here are some of the most important things. For Iguana, a healthy setup is important as a life in their natural habitats. There are basics that are important for iguanas, and these things are here.

Housing Size For Iguana 

One of the most important things to consider when setup your iguana’s housing is size. Baby igs can exist fine in a regular aquarium. However, these lizards grow very big, so you’ll have to upgrade the aquarium as it grows.

A healthy adult can grow up to six feet and will need an enclosure that’s at least six feet long, three feet wide, and six feet high. Sometimes it can be pretty hard finding cages large enough in stores that are relatively affordable, so most owners end up custom building one or having it done for them.

Best Iguana Substrate

It’s also important to think about the substrate when setting up an iguana habitat. Suitable materials include carpet, paper towels, and newspaper. Make sure the newspaper has non-toxic ink though.

You should avoid using loose materials such as dirt and sand. Sand and dirt can easily be ingested since iguanas frequently flick their tongues. The ingested materials can lead to a blockage in the digestive tract.


Iguanas live in trees in the wild. They love to climb. Therefore, it’s important that you provide your ig with plenty of branches and perches to climb around on. The perches and branches can also be used for basking. Just make sure that everything is sturdy enough to support the weight of your iguana. This can become a problem as they grow larger.

Heating is very important for iguana 

Since they’re tropical creatures, you’ll need to provide plenty of heat for your iguana. You should setup a basking area with a temperature between 90 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit for your iguana . The temperature in the rest of the enclosure should be upwards of 80 degrees. Make sure that you have multiple thermometers and humidity gauges setup.

Food for iguana 

It should go without saying, but make sure you provide food and water dishes in the iguana habitat. It’s important that these dishes are shallow enough for easy use. For your sake, it’s best that they can be cleaned easily too.

Safe Your Dog From Autumn And Keep Healthy


Your dog probably loves autumn as much as you do. With all the new sights to see and smell, autumn is a delight for your furry dog’s senses. However, the season brings several unique challenges with it when comes to keeping your dog healthy and safe from autumn.

In the days when we leave behind the hot summer months, with the return of the season to autumn, many natural cycles, especially the air temperature, are changing. Those who pay attention to the following basics can have an autumn dog. Here are six things to keep an eye out for this fall:

Basics For Autumn dog

We should not forget that if we encounter any signs of illness or fatigue in our friend, we should consult our Veterinarian directly.  I wish all our pet friends a healthy autumn.

  1. Beware of poisonous plants. Mushrooms often grow in the autumn , and although most of them cause no ill effects in dogs, a few of them are poisonous.  Keep your dog away from places where you see mushrooms growing, and contact your vet right away if you catch your dog eating a mushroom or other unidentified plant.
  2.  Keep your pup safe in the dark. As the days grow shorter, you may want to invest in a light to attach to your   dog’s collar or a reflective collar.  This is an especially good idea if your dog is outside in the dark, even with  you around.
  3. Make sure your dog is warm enough. Depending on where you live and what type of puppy you have, the autumn can be chilly.  If needed, now is the time to stock up on pet sweaters, blankets, or other necessities for your canine friend.
  4. Keep school supplies out of reach. If you have young children, then you already know that autumn is the season for glue sticks and markers.  Make sure to keep these out of your dog’s reach at all times, and teach your children to do the same.  Remember, even a non-toxic substance can cause a gastrointestinal blockage.
  5. Keep chocolate out of reach too. Halloween is a blast for the whole family, and you can even involve your dog in the festivities.  But make sure he doesn’t get a hold of chocolate.  Chocolate is toxic to dogs, so make sure you keep any candy buckets far from his reach.
  6. Keep track of your dog’s weight. Don’t slack off on outdoors activities.  The days may be cooler, but you still want to keep your buddy in shape.  Keep up on your walks and visits to the dog park to keep him happy and healthy, and prevent the cold weather blues.  Who knows, he might find a pile of leaves to roll in!



How do you take care of goldfish in a tank?


The RSPCA have advised that goldfish housing needs to meet their behavioural and physiological needs, as unfortunately many goldfish do not reach their lifespan potential due to a lack of the correct housing conditions.

Things you’ll need to house your goldfish:

  • A suitably sized tank/aquarium (minimum 10 gallons per fish)
  • Filter/aerator
  • Gravel substrate (for the bottom of the tank)
  • Plants
  • Decorations (something to make the tank exciting for the fish)
  • Food
  • A location for the tank that’s away from direct sunlight/windows.

What size tank do you need?

The recommended size tank for your goldfish should be about 50 litres, approximately four times as long, twice as wide and three times as high as the adult goldfish’s body length. It may be worth remembering that the larger the tank and the filter, the better it is for your goldfish. You’ll need to have the correct filter capacity for the size of tank that you purchase. Goldfish do tend to jump out of the tank so choose one that has a hood on it.

There’ll be lots of things to consider, such as how large your fish will be once they reach adult size, how many fish you wish to keep, and individual space requirements for the type of goldfish you want.

Traditional fish bowls are too small for goldfish so please avoid using them.

How to provide the correct filtration and aeration

As goldfish are heavy feeders, they tend to produce a lot of waste which will require filtration. This will maintain the water quality, ensuring all water is filtered regularly. You should keep an eye out on the filter, because if it doesn’t produce bubbles or stir surface water you may need an aeration system so that the water is well oxygenated. These are very important things to have in order to manage the high amount of waste that goldfish’s produce.

You’ll need to make sure that the filter you choose has an adjustable current. The current shouldn’t be too strong for any fancy or unusual goldfish types as fast currents can make swimming difficult for them.

How to carry out water maintenance for goldfish

Approximately 10-25% of the water in the housing will need changing during the week, as well as a gravel clean to remove the waste and keep the goldfish fit and healthy!

When cleaning the water, you can use a siphon (a pipe which will carry the water upward from the tank to a container below it). This way, the fish can remain in the tank whilst you replace some of the water. So that you don’t have to touch them. Be careful not to move too rapidly though as this could make the fish stressed. The end of the siphon in the tank can also be used to clean the gravel, remove fish faeces and uneaten foods.

When you replace the water in the tank, it’s best to add a water ager which will neutralise chlorine and chloramine and the gH kH generators to the aquarium. This should be added in an amount that is suitable for the new water that’s being added.

The filter should be rinsed in a bucket of tank water as soon as you start to notice it getting clogged up. Avoid over cleaning the filter though as you don’t want to get rid of the good bacteria. The good bacteria is needed to break down the ammonia from fish waste which could result in the fish being poisoned cause it to die.

A quick wipe of the inside of the aquarium with a safe sponge or magnetic glass cleaner should get rid of any algae build up. Make sure you don’t use soap or detergents when you do this.

Keep your water temperature between 20-24 degrees Celsius, and regularly test the water for ammonia, nitrate and nitrate levels which will tell you whether your filtration is working properly.

Things you’ll need when you clean your fish tank:

  • A Bucket
  • Gravel cleaner & Siphon
  • Water conditioner (a.k.a water ager)
  • Old cloths/towels (to mop up any spillages!).

Plants for your goldfish’s aquarium (HOUSING)

Goldfish will require some plant cover so they can hide if they feel threatened and this will also keep them active. A healthy amount of plants in the housing is essential as they absorb waste products from the water — meaning a healthier fish! Real plants are fine to use. However you must make sure they are safe for goldfish, fake plants can also be used if you don’t want your fish to eat them! Other decorations such as rocks and driftwood are great for in the tank as they provide good hiding and resting places for your fish.

Any decoration in the tank should be free from rough and sharp edges that could potentially injure your goldfish. And small holes must also be avoided as your fish could get trapped as they get bigger.

If you can, keep your aquarium away from direct sunlight and windows. This will help prevent outbreaks of algae.

Lighting for the aquarium

Goldfish will need lighting for their housing, whether this be proper aquarium lighting on a regular schedule or your own lighting. They’ll need about 12 hours of light per day at most. Goldfish don’t have eyelids and need to sleep just like we do. So a good amount of time without direct light allows them to sleep better and have a proper resting period. You’ll notice that when the light is off your goldfish will slow down and relax a bit more. They do not get the same kind of sleep if the lights are on permanently.

fancy goldfish types


Goldfish (Carassius auratus) is one of the oldest fancy goldfish species. It belongs to the Cyprinidae family and is accustomed to living in cold water.  What are the types of fancy goldfish, where and how they should live, how to feed, etc. The answers to the questions are in this article. There are more than 20 types of fancy goldfish.

Feeding animals at home is fun. Having a pet at home is very beneficial for your child if you have children. Animals sometimes cannot fulfill their needs and we must support them. Some people like cats and others like dogs. Fish lovers generally prefer to feed goldfish.

Different species have been bred except the classical type known over time. The most known of these are shubunkin, comet, telescope, ranchu, ryukin, fantail, vailtail, black moor, oranda, pearlscale, bubbleeye, celestial and lionhead. Although the Shubunkin and comet species resemble ordinary goldfish we know, the appearance of the remaining species is quite different. Fancy Goldfish species like bubble eye, telescope, black moor and celestial are very sensitive because of their gentle eyes.


It draws attention with its patterned body. Orange, yellow, red, brown, black, gray, white, purple or blue spots on the body; There are smaller black dots. When fully grown, it can reach 45 centimeters. Average life is 10-15 years. Like other delicate bodied goldfish, it is durable and floats fast. Can be fed in the ornamental pool. Suitable for beginner fish lovers


Like ordinary goldfish, it has a delicate body and alive fins. The most significant difference is that the tail fin is too long. In fact, his tail may be the same size as his body. It can have different colors. It reaches up to 10 centimeters in length and can live for 15 years. Suitable for beginners. It is durable enough to live in the ornamental pool.


His eyes are not strong due to his eyes resembling telescope lenses. The body is similar to vailtail goldfish. Although not strong, gauze is not as delicate as tails. It can be in many different colors. He cannot enter the bait race with fast floating fish due to his weak vision. Therefore, it should not be fed with comet and shubunkin. It reaches a maximum of 20 centimeters of paint. Average life is 10-15 years.


He has a swelling on his head that resembles a hat. Curved, short and stocky body. The fins are short and do not have a dorsal fin. The tail fin is split to the side. The 3-4-part caudal fin is almost horizontal. The back is quite curved. It is not suitable for beginners as it is not easy to maintain. A maximum of 13 centimeters. Average life is 10-15 years.


The lionhead is known as the goldfish. He can’t swim very well because he doesn’t have a dorsal fin. Since it swims slowly, it should be fed with slow-swiming goldfish like itself. Covering the head except the eyes, mouth and nostrils; has a hood-shaped decoration. This cap is soft but does not tear easily. Because it is a sensitive breed, it is not suitable for feeding in ornamental pond. Not recommended for beginners. A maximum of 13 centimeters. Its life is 10-15 years.

goldfish types


Baby face also known as goldfish. Aslanbaş is similar to goldfish. However, the hat-like cloth on his head is not as big as the lion head. His body is like a tulle-tailed goldfish. It floats slowly and is not recommended for beginners. Up to 18 centimeters in length. Average life is 10-15 years.


It is a resistant species. It can be fed together with fast-floating goldfish. But you need to make sure that you can eat enough food. After all, you can’t swim as fast as a comet or shubunkin. Its tail is split in two. It may be orange or spotted. At most 15 centimeters tall. Average life is 10-15 years.

VailTail Goldfish

It is one of the most noble looking goldfish. However, it is sensitive due to its long fins. It is very similar to the fan tailed goldfish. Its long fins are susceptible to fin melting disease and rupture. Not recommended for beginners. Not suitable for ornamental pool. Up to 18 centimeters in length. Average life is 10-15 years.


Also known as goldfish with black telescope eyes. It has black matt scales. It is more tolerant to cold water. However, the telescope has similar eyes with the fish. Though not as big as his, his gregarious eyes weaken his vision. They can still be fed in the ornamental pool. It reaches a maximum of 10 centimeters of paint. It has an average life of 10-15 years.

Pearl Scale Goldfish

It resembles a golf ball thanks to its pearl-like scales. It is durable and can live in cold water. Short, stocky and flattened body. The back is flat and the abdomen is dent. Its tail is usually two-parted. It can be red, blue, black, dark brown or mottled. It reaches a maximum of 10 centimeters of paint. Careful care can survive 10-15 years.


One of the most sensitive goldfish species. It has gentle pouches full of liquid under the eyes. So his opinion is very weak. Since the swimming is very weak, a strong filter should not be kept in the aquarium. Spends most of the time at the bottom of the aquarium. Therefore, it is useful not to use pebbles. Sharp stones or aquarium decors can easily rupture the eye bag. . Average life is 10-15 years. Up to 13 centimeters in length. It should only be fed by experienced aquarists.


The view is always poor because of the eyes facing upwards. Since it has no dorsal fin, it floats slowly. Tilt your body while swimming to see the way. At most 13 centimeters tall. Average life is 10-15 years. It should only be fed by experienced aquarists.

5 İnformation about goldfish


Legend is about aquarium goldfish. Interesting information you need to know about fish. Goldfish maintains the first place during the popular fishes of the aquarium world. Japanese goldfish, whose real name is Chinese  (Chinese goldfish), has been named as goldfish because it is distributed to the Far East countries from Japan and is known by this name in our country. Since the memory of Japanese fish is strong, it does not always eat dry food. Wet feeds from time to time should be preferred for goldfish that can be bored from eating dry food. In addition to wet food, you can also chop boiled vegetables.

Ancestor is carp.

Goldfish is one of the subspecies of carp. The goldfish obtained by crossing the carp genes are genetically similar to the carp. Japanese fish with a stronger memory than other fish species have a memory capacity of 5 months backwards. The goldfish, which recognizes . The feeding time and the person giving the feed, may die due to disruption of the feed order. It was formed by crossing various carp fishes and playing genes. Although it does not look much like the type of carp, it is a carp. they can also mate with the carp fish and remove the emerged cubs.

Memory is 5-6 months, not 3 seconds.

Memory of goldfish is 5-6 months. Can memorize feeding hours. Little games can also be taught to it. recognize the owner.

It’s wrong to live in fan.

Fanus is harmful not only to it but to all fish. Bowl water level is low, not enough for fish. Fishes in the fanus are forced to look squint. After a while it eyes begin to deteriorate. Becomes blind.

Note: The purpose of the production of the fanus is to look at the flowers, there is no picture of fish on a fanus box.


Can live for many years

The most known living  It has lived for 44 years. the oldest living Japanese fish is 38 years old.  If your goldfish care well, it can be with you for a long time. It can grow up to 25 cm in size in a large aquarium. For this reason, goldfish, also known as a species of fish that cannot live in narrow spaces, such as a lantern, is also known as large aquarium fish.

Japanese fish, also known as fish species that require more oxygen than many aquarium species, are also known as the first fish species that come to the surface of the water in the event of oxygen depletion. Therefore, the oxygen installation in the aquarium should be checked at regular intervals.

Love the fish over time and love the cat loves you like

It is possible to love fish by hand. If you do this too much, the fish may be damaged

Is gum dangerous for dogs?


Is gum dangerous for dogs? If you feed dogs at home, you may want to place your sugar-free gums in a closet where your dog can’t easily find them. Because the US Food and Drug Administration warns that sweeteners, commonly known as sugar-free gums, also known as xylitol, are poisonous to dogs.

Sweeteners, sugar-free and mint-flavored candies, chewable vitamins, mouth rinse water, toothpaste and peanut butter is also available. Toxicologist Dr. Pet Poison Helpline In addition to these products. Ahna Brutlag announced that some medicines, skin lotions and nasal sprays also contain xylitol.

Is gum dangerous for dogs? OF course ! Beause ; Xylitol poisoning can cause vomiting, fatigue, dizziness and seizures. Consumption of xyliton is a life hazard for dogs . Because it disrupts blood sugar balance because dogs digest sweeteners faster than humans do. Xylitol is rapidly transferred into the bloodstream, causing the pancreas to secrete too much insulin, causing dogs to drop blood sugar.

This condition, called hypoglycemia, can be triggered by xylitol consumption in 10 minutes to 1 hour. While in some cases it can take up to 24 hours for symptoms to be observed. Xylitol poisoning is fatal. However, many dogs can be saved by early treatment.

It is not yet known whether xylitol is toxic to cats. But the US Department of Medicine and Food said that they were not worried about this, and that cats did not like to eat dessert, so they could be considered safe, at least in part.  What should dogs eat or What Not To Feed Dogs ?

harmful food for dogs

This is a list of foods that are poisonous to dogs, causing serious health problems in dogs.

  • Chocolate
  • Onion and garlic
  • Alcohol
  • Bone
  • Sugar, candy and chewing gum
  • Citrus fruits and other stone fruits
  • Milk

Chocolate is perhaps the most known poison food for dogs. It contains theobromine, which can be extremely toxic to sweet animals and especially small animals, which are highly popular among humans. Onions and garlic are often used in our meals, and most veterinarians recommend that these food residues not be given to pets. These similar foods are dangerous because they can cause anemia and various respiratory diseases.

Alcohol is a harmful drink even for people. It will be very dangerous to give alcohol to our pets as they have deadly effects on the inner organs of our furry friends. It is our responsibility as dog owners to take care of this. In spite of the widespread appearance of a bone in the mouth of dogs, this is actually very dangerous. The risk of choking, indigestion and injury to poultry, especially through the penetrating bones of needles, is very high.

If you want to reward your dog with a bone, go to a pet shop and buy him a bone-shaped food made with natural, healthy food. There is a wide variety of foods specially designed for this.

Sugar, candy and chewing gum

You must definitely prevent your dog from eating sugar. Giving sugar to a dog can cause serious health problems that can go as far as blindness or diabetes. If your dog swallows a chewing gum, the danger becomes even greater because it contains xylitol.

Citrus fruits and other stone fruits

In general, citrus fruits are harmful to dogs, but orange and lemon are even more harmful because they contain psoralen. Since dogs are acidic, they avoid these fruits.

Among the seed fruits, you should pay particular attention to the fruits that contain cyanide as well as the risk of asphyxiation, especially melon and apricot.


Only people can drink milk even during adulthood. The enzymes that allow us to digest milk are not present in dogs, so you should not give your pets food and drinks containing lactose.

Many more items can be added to this list. Therefore, the best thing to do is to ask your vet what food is appropriate for your pets. You should give them food especially for animals

How to Handle Dog Barking – For Stop Methods


Excessive barking can become a real issue for pet owners. I had a dog once that barked at anything and everything. When I let her play in the backyard, she would run up and down he back and bark at the grass, the shed, the fence and so on and so on. Dogs bark to communicate with us and with other dogs. Unfortunately, when dogs bark too much, it may disrupt your sleep or bother the neighbors.  Some dog breeds bark more than others. It also depends on how long you can withstand noise. To handle your dog barking, you can follow these recommendations:

How to get your dog to handle barking

handle to barking

1.Find a way to stop your dog when he barks too much. This can be a glance, a specific voice (eg “no”) or a physical contact (gently touch). Once your dog has understood the cessation of barking, everything will be much easier for you.Note, however, that it can only stop for a few minutes and then continue to “sing”. This is because his brain is still perceiving things incorrectly. Don’t give up after the first try. And remember, it takes patience and repetition many times for pets to gain a habit.

2.Remember that you are the leader of the team. If the dog is barking at a particular object, situation or person, approach him to show who is the leader. Show that you own the object. So the animal will realize that he has nothing to worry about. Use your body and manners to build an invisible wall that your pet can’t cross. You’ll be amazed by the effect this has on your pet.

3. If you can’t afford a trainer, you can try to training your dog yourself. One conditioning program that’s effective is called desensitization/counter-conditioning program. This means that through very slow, controlled exposure you teach your dog to associate each of the stimuli that triggers her barking with something good (usually food). This will eventually teach her to look to you for a treat rather than bark at the stimulus. Many people are probably reading this wondering “does this mean you always have to have food on you?

The answer to that is “yes, for a while.” You can eventually wean the food to an extent. However, if you were to use a bark collar you would always have to use a bark collar. So either way, you are always going to have to have something. To learn how to do a desensitization/classical conditioning program you could either buy a book or hire a professional trainer to walk you through it.

4. A third suggestion would be to hire a trainer. Trainers can help in ways that you can’t imagine. Keep in mind that trainers can become expensive, but again they are effective.